lpuckeri t1_j9ux63t wrote
Reply to comment by rtkaratekid in Reality is an openness that we can never fully grasp. We need closures as a means of intervening in the world. | Post-postmodern philosopher and critic of realism Hilary Lawson explains closure theory. by IAI_Admin
I program and i use javascript every day. Javascript is a great way to model real world interactions and i implement business logic with it. I even use it to map the underlying logic of reality onto an underlying visual and dynamic reality users perceive. So glad to see Javascript used to interpret the human experience. Lol
I love how this sub eats this crap up.
Make nonsense sound like a profound deepity and ule get upvotes
Relevant_Monstrosity t1_j9uz5q2 wrote
/u/lpuckeri, I do think relating the idea of functional closures to JavaScript's implementation (which is the #1 closure application in the world) is brilliant. But mathematically, this idea is quite generic. Really, it's quite reactionary; this article we are writing about. I agree!
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