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Armchair_QB3 t1_javbzoj wrote

Speaking of psychology, this author lost all credibility with me the moment they cited a different result on the discredited Myers-Briggs as evidence of a changing ‘self.’

That test was designed by laymen, holds no scientific merit, and often gives a different result depending just on your mood, let alone retaking it years apart.


LBGW_experiment t1_jawd5vz wrote

They were using a pop sci self personality test to show the change of one's self over time, and it was a brief mention, and didn't say Myers-Briggs held any water.


DrHaroldSkrote t1_jawixuf wrote

Personality is firmly established by the late teens.
A person may feel that they have changed but that change imperceptible to everyone else. Behavior can change fortunately


vestigina t1_javwq75 wrote

You really think the author picked this as "evidence"? It is clear that this is written to make a story, starting small and then expand later. The next sentence is already telling you it is not just about the anecdote...

I am surprised this is the take-home of the article you focused on.
