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MonteChristo0321 OP t1_jch7lc0 wrote

Thanks for the reply.

The little mechanical parts that make up a human body are not relevant for answering certain questions (like about free will). But I don't mean they're irrelevant in every way.

What I'm saying is that the WHOLE brain (and peripheral nervous system) taken together is the relevant source of decisions. What do chronically overstimulated dopamine receptors produce on their own? Nothing resembling a choice. The choice comes from the irreducible self-referencing loops of interactions between the dopamine receptors and the other mechanical bits of the brain. No particular bit can generate human behavior; only all of the bits and the interactions between them taken together can do that. But taken together as one system, rather than as segmented bits of matter, that's usually called a person.


topBunk87 t1_jchnz6e wrote

I don't follow your reasoning.

Dopamine receptors alone don't produce a decision. But make changes to them and it will impact the decisions/behaviour of the person. (ex. chronic overstimulation leads to needing to chase bigger "highs" to get the same level of response.)

The VPMC alone doesn't produce a decision. But remove it/damage it/restrict it's interaction with other parts of the brain and it will impact the decisions/behaviour of the person. (Ex. leads to less emotionally driven decision making, difficulty developing and maintaining friendships/relationships.)

Oxytocin levels alone don't produce a decision. But increase or reduces them and it will impact the decisions/behaviour of the person. (Ex. higher levels lead to more trusting, less aggressive to in-group people (family, friends) but less pro-social to strangers.)

Yes, of course no single element in the brain produces a decision on it's own. But each (that is active for a given decision) does influence, to varying degrees, the ultimate decision. It is the sum of those elements that is ultimately responsible for the decision. And the sum of those elements is usually called the brain.

I agree that it might not be useful or appropriate to talk about the level of VPMC activation when talking about me choosing between soup or salad for lunch, but that doesn't mean you can handwave away the mechanical elements of the brain and assume some special property emerges when you consider the brain as a whole.

(Also, are you implying strong emergence or weak emergence?)


MonteChristo0321 OP t1_jchvgze wrote

I'm not assuming; I know for certain that some special property emerges when you consider the brain as a whole. Conscious experience exists. It can't be coherently doubted.
But nothing you see when examining a dopamine receptor would tell you that.
So it follows that the properties of the little parts of the brain are not anything like the properties of the whole person.
Free will involves conscious decisions. That means it's a whole person level phenomenon. It's not just useful to think of it at this level. It's the only coherent way to think about it. Anything else would be like failing to find the conscious experience in a dopamine receptor.


topBunk87 t1_jcic2lx wrote

> "Conscious experience exists."

The appearance of it certainly does. What remains an open question is the nature of consciousness and what, if any, casual power it has. Many theories feel that consciousness doesn't drive anything but it a by-product of neural activity (ex. illusionism, identity theory, etc).

You absolutely are making a (big) assumption if you want to treat consciousness as the driver behind decisions rather than the brain. (And need to address some serious questions such as how can an emergent property push around neurons such that "decisions" turn into physical actions.)


> "the properties of the little parts of the brain are not anything like the properties of the whole person."

I don't understand how this addresses my point. I'll try to be direct - when we change the "little parts" you change the behaviour of the whole person. So the "little parts" are crucial to the discussion and cannot be hand-waved away.


> "Free will involves conscious decisions."

I disagree and I explained why. Conscious decisions (which I called deliberations) are not "free" if the elements are constrained. I don't think you addressed that.


> "Anything else would be like failing to find the conscious experience"

Conscious experiences arises from the sum of the "little parts" of the brain and when you change the "little parts" you change the conscious experience. So you can't just ignore the "little parts" and say they are irrelevant when they give rise to and shape the conscious experience.


qwertywtf t1_jchwlg8 wrote

Conscious experience ≠ Free will
Making decisions ≠ Free will


MonteChristo0321 OP t1_jchx4og wrote

You're not disagreeing with anything I've said.
Conscious experience ≠ free will, but free will is a conscious experience.
Making decisions ≠ free will, but free will involves making decisions.


qwertywtf t1_jcj39ax wrote

Free will would be a conscious experience, yes.
Free will would involve making decisions, yes.
However, the fact that we have a conscious experience and make decisions is absolutely not evidence of free will.