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Timely-Vehicle t1_jefcb56 wrote

I took a surfing lesson at the end of last year and had a horrible experience. I haven’t touched a board since and have only really gone knee deep in the water since (and I’m at the beach almost everyday). I’d always wanted to surf, and I borrowed a board and had a blast a week before I took the lesson . . . Then good god, I got a fucking psycho as an instructor and completely lost interest (I really want to try again though).

Idk why I’m telling you this, I’m really not trying to put you off or anything. Just . . . Take your time and research your instructor (that really goes for anything you get lessons in though, doesn’t it?). Don’t be like me and pick for stupid reasons, make sure it’s somebody known for being good with beginners. With all that said, I hope you do take lessons (with a good instructor!) and have fun.


Fabznz t1_jefvijm wrote

You can learn to surf at your own pace you don't need people yelling and belittling you. However it can be good to have someone to observe you and point out improvements you can make you paddling technique, popping up etc. Just watch heapsa guides


MissMormie t1_jeg82z4 wrote

I teach windsurfing and i find my most important task for the first few lessons is to encourage people. It's so hard to do all the things at the same time right and it's easy to get discouraged falling in the water time and time again.

But it's totally fine to keep falling over and messing up. That's a normal part of learning. The trick is to see the fun in the messing up and trying. Someone screaming at you and being judgemental at such a time is the fastest way to kill your fun. I'm sorry that instructor did that to you.

I just want to encourage you to go out and play again, by yourself like you did before your lesson. See if you can find that fun. Don't let one jerk ruin it.


DrHaroldSkrote t1_jegadvp wrote

Lol, I think you got Miyagi-ed. Your instructor taught you a lesson, just not the one you wanted. Your lesson was more cultural. Surf brah culture is filled with these shitheads. It's totally unique to surfing too when compared to other sports....skateboarding, BMX, mountain biking , and whitewater in my experience.


[deleted] t1_jeffenv wrote



[deleted] t1_jeg000b wrote



[deleted] t1_jegwvbd wrote

