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No_Bison_3116 t1_ir1qv6i wrote

I would say that the world seems to make no sense due to the contradictions of Capitalism described by Karl Marx.

Karl Marx's theory of historical materialism states that the source of human progress and historical change is not to be found in “legal relations” or “political forms,” but rather “in the material conditions of life”; By this Marx means that the economic relations of human beings determine all other relations in that society. Material survival rather than the development of rationality and spiritual thinking forms the fundamental basis of human endeavour in each historical epoch.

Since , rational thinking is not the basis of society under Capitalism nothing seems to make sense.


Dutch_Calhoun t1_ir1x7e9 wrote

We're so suffused with capitalist thinking we don't even realise it. Interesting to note how ubiquitous is the argument that suffering can be transcended (which I take to mean: have enough money so you don't die of poverty), and once that obstacle is surmounted, meaning is something you choose at will, like any other consumer product.


AetherPaul t1_irs0hme wrote

I would like to see you plug in these variables with aspects of your life to see how the theory pragmatically condenses itself into real world values and experience.
But its like, why does the formation of an economy have to govern our social values? Isn't it better for us that it's unscripted? Free market also = free social, which is where self knowledge, values and the orientation of our values come from when we're free to rationalize/discern the market medium, and make better market strategies. The danger away from Capitalism is that the socio-economic world becomes Procedural, then we would have to contend with pre-written social values, and follow scripts of reform/conduct.
I think what people tend to believe in is that, well, maybe the social world can be written as a policy or a way of conduct, and it can be good. But who's good at that? who studies that? Its not knowledge of a historian, a politician or a law maker, that's like Psychology, Human Behavior, Philosophy and Ethics, and maybe even more natural to people who are well behaved and well socialized.

It's not just the axioms of these schematics of philosophy but who can instantiate them, and how?