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BernardJOrtcutt t1_ir82low wrote

Philosophy and mental health issues:

Many people feel that there is a significant connection between their philosophical interests and troubling feelings of anxiety, lethargy, and depression they may be having, and so come to communities like /r/philosophy to find further ways of engaging philosophy that might help them deal with these feelings. It's important to recognize that anxiety and depression are complex phenomena that can have a variety of causes and exhibit a variety of different developmental courses. If you're having difficulty with these sorts of feelings and are looking for help, it's important to try to identify their origins. The human mind that finds itself in a state of anxiety or depression often tries to understand this experience, and this can include forming theories that try to explain the experience, for instance with reference to philosophical work. But even if we feel quite certain about such a connection it may end up being a bad theory, so that we need to investigate the matter further. Often, we feel the emotions first and then try to form theories to explain them, whereas it may seem in retrospect that we first had a certain theory and this is what caused the emotions.

When to seek help:

Feelings of anxiety and sadness, and worries about the aim of your life and your relationships with other people, are a part of normal adult life. So if you're troubled by these sorts of concerns, that doesn't necessarily mean that anything unusual is going on. Normal feelings of anxiety and sadness can be explored through the various activities of an active life, so that you might find it beneficial to explore these feelings through participation in art, through your relationships, through your work at a job, hobby, or charity, and so on.

When feelings of anxiety or depression interfere with the activities of life, so that they prevent you from being able to do the things you want, like sustain relationships and a job, and this state of disability persists for an extended period of time, this is a sign that you should consider asking for help and doing more to address the problem.

How to seek help / What to do with more serious issues:

Straight-forwardly physiological issues like dietary and hormonal conditions can produce feelings of anxiety, depression, and lethargy, and a physician is usually able to identify and treat these conditions. So it would be a good idea to discuss these problems with your physician, so that you can either rule out a straight-forwardly physiological issue or else get the medical help that you need.

If you do have mental health concerns that cannot be readily addressed in this medical way, one of the easiest and most effective ways to improve is to make adjustments to adopt a healthy lifestyle. It may seem odd that basic health practices can have a significant impact on serious mental health issues, but the idea here is to give your mind the resources and solid foundation of health it needs to work through its problems more or less with its own power. In pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, you should consider: (i) adopting healthy sleeping habits, which includes not only getting enough sleep but also sticking to relatively stable times to go to sleep and wake up; (ii) adopting healthy eating habits, including drinking adequate water, and cutting down on junk food, as well as caffeine and alcohol if applicable; (iii) adopting healthy exercising habits, which needn't mean an intense routine of weight-lifting, but at least a regular practice of light exercises 3-4x a week for around 45m a session would be an excellent start; (iv) adopting healthy socializing habits, which may mean cultivating your relationships with your family, friends, neighbours, and/or dating; (v) adopting healthy work habits, involving regular employment at least part time and/or a comparable amount of regular work at school or related training programs; (vi) adopting healthy habits of self-improvement, involving pursuit of a hobby; and (vii) adopting healthy involvement with your community and the larger world, which can involve things like volunteer work at a charity, doing community outreach, enjoying art, and regular walks in a natural setting. If you're able to make these changes in your lifestyle, you'll likely find a significant improvement in your mental health follows.

But one of the most challenging things about mental illness is that feelings of anxiety or depression can make it difficult to make these kinds of changes. If you find yourself trying but unable to make these kinds of changes, because of persistent feelings of anxiety or depression, which are interfering with the regular activities of your life, you should consider consulting with a mental health professional like a registered psychologist specializing in anxiety or depression, or a registered psychotherapist. Your doctor may be able to suggest some resources in your area, so this is something you can ask them about when you consult with them to exclude physiological factors.

Psychotherapy is a means of exploring the issues surrounding a mental health problem with another person, and psychotherapy with a registered professional has shown good results in improving mental health.

In general, if you're struggling with serious issues of this sort, you need someone you can trust, with whom you can have a stable relationship, to discuss these issues with. At the outset, this might be a friend, family member, or someone from your community. If you pursue this route, it may be a psychiatrist, psychologist, or psychotherapist. Because of the importance of this relationship, seeking help from people online is not likely to be effective. Or, the best advice you can get online is this sort of advice about where to go next.

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