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SovArya t1_it6lgqh wrote

Perfection is the enemy of good. :)


undercoverOMSCS t1_it8yy8p wrote

Reject mediocrity. Pursue excellence. Leave a marker to your existence.


iiioiia t1_it7kjd9 wrote

Except when it isn't. :(


jml011 t1_it7uzqd wrote

Maybe the good has been the enemy of perfection all along :/


iiioiia t1_it7wnmw wrote

I think it is plausible that the truth value of the proposition varies according to the particulars of the situation - but, if we were to assume otherwise (that it has a constant value), we may then not insist on the necessary level of quality to realize it...and from that, many downstream negative externalities could manifest (due to a cultural tendency to dismiss the potential need for high attention to details).

I think this (admittedly crude and imprecise) theory could go a long ways to describing the nature of modern day politics and culture in general, and in turn: the less than ideal state of affairs on the planet, that everyone hates but seemingly no one can do anything about.


Major-Vermicelli-266 t1_it7p3es wrote

I don't understand. Do you mean perfectionism?


bad-acid t1_it7qwrb wrote

The saying is basically kicking against any "well it wasn't/won't be perfect, so don't even try," so yes. But specifically the saying is to demonstrate that given the choice between doing your best and failing, or doing nothing at all, your best is still better.