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Minute-Hyena-407 t1_iu7qm50 wrote

The thing that gets me about humans having to leave Earth. Is the ridiculous amounts of money it would take to get us into space to colonize another planet and make it stable and productive enough to sustain Humanity. We could instead use that ridiculous amount of wealth to fix the fucking planet that's already at the right temperature already can sustain life and fix it first instead of going to a new planet fucking it up until we have to go to another planet how about we be responsible take care of what we have and then we can think about moving on to having something bigger. It would be like if you got your kid a car and they destroyed it by neglect. Then you going and buying them bigger and better car. That's not a rational response. Anyway that's my two cents


iiioiia t1_iua11ah wrote

> We could instead use that ridiculous amount of wealth to fix the fucking planet that's already at the right temperature already can sustain life and fix it first instead of going to a new planet fucking it up until we have to go to another planet how about we be responsible take care of what we have and then we can think about moving on to having something bigger.

Sir: you are making speculative claims about the abilities of humans....there is surely some evidence that supports your claim, but there is far, far more that contradicts it. At least according to current standard operating procedures. If only it was possible to change standards....damn you laws of physics, why do you constrain us humans so!!!


red75prime t1_iuh1w96 wrote

> It would be like if you got your kid a car and they destroyed it by neglect.

Nah. Humanity isn't a single intelligent agent. The analogy would be more like: people are wrecking a shared car and there's no central authority to assign responsibility of fixing it, so a smaller group of people starts building their own car, because they cannot unilaterally fix the shared one.