Submitted by ArtOak t3_ygw3t4 in philosophy
[deleted] t1_iuc922x wrote
[deleted] t1_iucbstv wrote
[deleted] t1_iuccgd3 wrote
[deleted] t1_iud52th wrote
[deleted] t1_iudgmvm wrote
[deleted] t1_iudhzpe wrote
[deleted] t1_iudihga wrote
[deleted] t1_iudt07o wrote
[deleted] t1_iue2ka0 wrote
[deleted] t1_iuehfc2 wrote
[deleted] t1_iuejzhb wrote
[deleted] t1_iuemx8c wrote
Adept-Charge-5905 t1_iueq0gy wrote
Universal : absolute , can still mean dynamic , fluid and changing - its the human mental construct that interprets and defines scenarios , I would say that nature is universal and absolute , yet it is also unique and diverse in its applications , what does natural governance look like , its not a charter or delegation’s and rules its a way of life that determines the very survival of the organisms in.question , they are compelled to abide by its rules, not chosen and consciously directed by some arbitrary process- we can try to live like ants and bees but all must respect and honour the figurehead as if born directly from its loins , abide and serve blindly , can we as humans regurgitate the forbidden fruit of knowing !!? Because that is whats required to make universal absolutes work
[deleted] t1_iuf07za wrote
BernardJOrtcutt t1_iuf19mo wrote
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BernardJOrtcutt t1_iuf19qu wrote
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[deleted] t1_iuc88uo wrote