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francisdavey t1_iurljjj wrote

It sounds like a version of sorites for minds.


pab_guy t1_iurphio wrote

This tracks with how I think about it. The problem with IIT has always been that information is integrated at many scales, and we don't have any reason to believe that qualia is generated at all (or any) of them. Humans integrate information between themselves through conversation and collaboration. Is there experience happening as a result? Where? That doesn't make any sense to me...


SovArya t1_iurpucw wrote

There's the as if principle by Richard wiseman which I like and find useful.

The idea is if your body does the act of the effect you want, you end up as having that effect.

Example. If your tired right now, if you look up at the ceiling, the sky with eyes wide open, 15+ seconds then you will not be tired.

Same if you want to be tired, you can look down 15s and you will be.

Same if you want to feel hyperventilated, you can consciously breathe fast. And if you want to slow your heart rate, you breathe slow.

If you want to be happy, you can smile or laugh.

So many weird things one can do that actually is related to our body's posture and activities.


HamiltonBrae t1_iuvpfyo wrote

>Humans integrate information between themselves through conversation and collaboration. Is there experience happening as a result? Where? That doesn't make any sense to me...

imo it doesn't make any more or less sense than the same idea for neurons, ions, membrane potentials, neurotransmitters, synaptic clefts etc.


pab_guy t1_iuvx3nr wrote

Yeah that too LOL panpsychism makes more sense to me. Though I will say that information does need to be integrated into the bound contexts of qualia, so I do think it's necessary, just not sufficient.


iiioiia t1_iuwa5iu wrote

I think how it works is that the specific nature of qualia that emerges (is generated at higher levels) is a function of the existence and nature of information that is is integrated at many scales/levels.


armzngunz t1_iuxcyau wrote

I wish the article had sources for the different studies.


Sannitaa t1_ivmsu77 wrote

We're here to observe the universe's beauty. To prove that the universe is so so much more, not just only matters!