dasus t1_iv2r5hh wrote
Reply to comment by Melodic_Antelope6490 in The meaning crisis and language II — We need to ‘believe’ myth and metaphor in order to understand ourselves by Melodic_Antelope6490
Oh, one more;
>“And, er, these stories about you..."
>"Oh, all true. Most of them. A bit of exaggeration, but mostly true."
>"The one about the Citadel in Muntab and the Pash and the fish bone?"
>"Oh, yes."
>"But how did you get in where half a dozen armed and trained men couldn't even - ?"
>"I am a little man and I carry a broom," said Lu-Tze simply. "Everyone has some mess that needs clearing up. What harm is a man with a broom?"
>"What? And that was it?"
>"Well, the rest was a matter of cookery, really. The Pash was not a good man, but he was a glutton for his fish pie."
>"No martial arts?" said Lobsang.
>"Oh, always a last resort. History needs shepherds, not butchers."
>"Do you know okidoki?"
>"Just a lot of bunny-hops."
>"If I wanted to thrust my hand into hot sand I would go to the seaside."
>"A waste of good bricks."
>"No kando?"
>"You made that one up.”
― Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time
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