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Doctor-Eleven t1_iw2aqjx wrote

I can vouch for this. Been down some rough roads in life, still walking some of those roads, and there is always a philosopher to walk with me. When I am at my lowest, Camus can beckon me to reinvent the world, and once it's reinvented, Seneca can get me refining it to it's purest stoic elements, which is especially useful when the hedonism creeps in. Wittgenstein plays the ultimate trump card, it's all games, it's all an unreliable projection of the brain, which takes me right in to the present, because that's the only game I feel I can win, to just be alive right now and move. They have all helped me in some way, they turn the noise in my head to music, well, most of them. Cioran can be a bit grim, but at least he isn't blowing smoke up your ass, he may even be the best guy for bringing you down from an edge, I need that sometimes.

I love them all, am eager for more, and without them, I would be miserable.