Expensive_Internal83 t1_iwobsd1 wrote
Our conscious faculty was very much shaped by hunting in community by plan. That movement from hunting to agriculture would free the mind for thoughts of self, ... seems likely.
I was searching for truth and looking for literal truth, so i left the Church at an early age. When i decided to look at Christianity, in order to debunk the lies, i found the only way I could continue was figuratively: if woman was made "from Adam's rib", then a literal reading was out. ... However! if removing a "rib" from Adam made Eve then, i can work with that figuratively; cuz if someone showed me the particular mutation event that created mammalian gender, i might just say something like that. Only later did i learn that the hebrew precluded my reading; to late, what's done is done.
In October of 2000, on an e-mail list called Alexandria, i was chatting with people about mythology and the nature of idea and such, and started an ajin with a Rabbi from Calgary. After a day or two meditating on Kabbalah i started seeing little flashes of light. Now, full disclosure, I'm a chronic weed smoker. It was dry that summer and for the time of the discussion and ajin i did not partake; about two months. Just before my experience, we got some weed and i had some.
It was a week long meditative experience. I'm not given to visions or hallucinations. This was on and off like a tap, like someone threw a switch. I first found myself in a verdant valley, the next day inside the Trojan horse, the next burried under Roman cobblestones. Seven days; i had no idea such a thing was possible.
Articulating the nature of consciousness is difficult. Constraining it to us human individuals is all too easy. If the Church is a body, then maybe truth is a person. Maybe. There's no need for the supernatural; only for unconstrained sense-ability. I vote binding energy for the solution to the hard problem of consciousness. I think there's a driving function/transfer function relationship between the cortex and the rest of the brain, and my experience is what happens when the transfer function drives; i was a spectator, a witness.
Expensive_Internal83 t1_iwpxt78 wrote
Interestingly, Judas is alleged to have had "seven days of secret sayings". I suspect that, at least occasionally, "secret sayings" means meditative experience.
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