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Fever_Raygun t1_iyi0cm7 wrote


kaustickelpie t1_iyi1lfi wrote

Not particularly? I mean, I was raised Christian so maybe it's just strong nostalgia, it's hard to say. But man I love my nativity scenes lol I'm trying to convince my husband to let me get the huge plastic light up figures for the lawn lol


coolthesejets t1_iyjmbsm wrote

You made me realize I've been having dissonance with my atheism and love of Christmas iconography.


kaustickelpie t1_iyjusgx wrote

Oh? Yeah I've always found it strange... I love gospel music and have a strange fascination with finding nuns adorable lol not in a fetish way but more awww. Even though I know that most people's real life interactions with them haven't been pleasant. My husband was raised Catholic and everything about it fascinates me. I went to a funeral once (someone I didn't know) and just had to contain my excitement over seeing a catholic church. It's so fucking weird lol


GoSeeCal_Spot t1_iyjx58i wrote

Most Christmas iconography is older then Christianity.

Celebration of the dark ending is as old as agriculture.

As is kiling people on a cross.