Submitted by ptorregrossa t3_zmy1zu in philosophy
ptorregrossa OP t1_j0dsrzk wrote
I feel as if the benefits of what we know as philosophy, play into our roles as people in general. How can you go through life without your own opinions?
ptorregrossa OP t1_j0dsxk0 wrote
Well you can’t, but it does say something to 1. Know how to act and 2. Accepting the idea of other people’s opinions.
ptorregrossa OP t1_j0dt7tq wrote
If you go through life solely thinking that your opinion and what you do is the only right way, you’re basically just fucked from the start.
ptorregrossa OP t1_j0dtejs wrote
For example, my younger brother is one of those people. He thinks that he can do no wrong, “his shit doesn’t stink” if you must. This doesn’t just effect me but my whole family.
ptorregrossa OP t1_j0dtjx9 wrote
He runs around acting like he runs the show around my house, showing no regard or respect for my mother and I. Frankly, I find it embarrassing. How will he ever succeed in life?
ptorregrossa OP t1_j0du3o1 wrote
Long story short, I know that he was not raised that way but I don’t know if the way he’s acting can be fixed. I don’t want him to be that way but I really don’t know how he can personally choose to be like that. Finalizing my original statement of you cannot go through life thinking that your opinion is the only one out there.
ptorregrossa OP t1_j0duedp wrote
Philosophy could be labeled as the study of my brother and why he’s such an asshole. Philosophy could also be labeled as the study of why I think it’s wrong me brother is the way that he is because I’m not like that. There is and forever will be 2+ sides to every story.
BernardJOrtcutt t1_j0h8ugs wrote
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>All posts must develop and defend a substantive philosophical thesis.
>Posts must not only have a philosophical subject matter, but must also present this subject matter in a developed manner. At a minimum, this includes: stating the problem being addressed; stating the thesis; stating how the thesis contributes to the problem; outlining some alternative answers to the same problem; saying something about why the stated thesis is preferable to the alternatives; anticipating some objections to the stated thesis and giving responses to them. These are just the minimum requirements. Posts about well-trod issues (e.g. free will) require more development.
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ptorregrossa OP t1_j0dscd2 wrote
I believe that it’s clear to say that philosophy has a different meaning today than it did even 200 years ago, but a general consensus of the fundamental nature or knowledge.