CovfefeForAll t1_j0x8p81 wrote
Reply to comment by noonemustknowmysecre in Our stated political beliefs are irrational when taken as a package – the don’t appear to form coherent wholes. But we should be skeptical about whether these irrational political beliefs are really beliefs by IAI_Admin
cracks neck, does a quick squat stretch and a couple of lunges
>Would you prefer a mass die-off of humanity or would you rather we continue to kill the planet with massive CO2 pollution?
Not a political belief.
>Do you want higher wages for workers? And how should we deal with illegal foreign workers?
Yes, and create a robust system where foreign workers can be allowed to work and pay taxes much easier than currently allowed. This removes the exploitability of underpaid undocumented workers that drive wages at the bottom way way down. Also, severely punish employers who take advantage of undocumented labor. To this end, increase IRS funding to look specifically at wage theft and wages paid under the table.
>What do you think of the military aid to Ukraine and how do you feel about military spending?
Military spending is necessary, and should be used when needed to defend allies. We can afford to cut down a good portion of our spending though, and take a good look at wasted funding and earmarks that serve no purpose except to give specific politicians more political clout.
>When did you stop beating your wife?
I plead the fifth.
noonemustknowmysecre t1_j0xfsut wrote
Although, off the record, arresting the hiring bosses and fining the corporations that illegally hire foreigners is really the right way to go about it. Neither Democrats nor Republicans actually want to fix the problem though. Offer green cards to anyone working there willing to flip on their boss and send them to prison. Between immigration, automation, and outsourcing, the gini-coefficient keeps on rising and the poor rural farmboys keep getting madder and madder.
Hot-damn though, average wage of an H-2A is $21.91 an hour. Like, legally, a place has to prove they can't find anyone local to work the job and there is no cap.
Like, none of your ideas are even bad. I do think environmentalism is a real thing. But you're a sane functioning member of society. Generally liberal. Whee. But any statement along the lines of "although", "while", "however", or anything with a "but" will be taken as a conflicting view. Irrationally wanting two opposite things simultaneously. Which is why any politician worth their salt avoids actually answering any questions.
CovfefeForAll t1_j0xvv6x wrote
> Although, off the record, arresting the hiring bosses and fining the corporations that illegally hire foreigners is really the right way to go about it.
It's really the only sustainable possible solution. We NEED to do it if we actually want to stabilize the lowest wages.
> I do think environmentalism is a real thing.
I really think you misunderstood what I was saying. I was distancing myself from the false dichotomy you put forward. We CAN try to put a very quick, very harsh damper on our pollution, and that would be neither of the 2 scenarios you put forward. The political issue is whether we have the political will to do the needful regarding environmental degradation and pollution. But yes, I do agree that environmentalism is not only real, but the only possibility if we want to ensure a future for humanity that goes beyond the 21st century.
> But any statement along the lines of "although", "while", "however", or anything with a "but" will be taken as a conflicting view.
Eh, I call it being realistic, not conflicting, but I can see how people might see that as backtracking or weakness. That's why I'm not a politician.
noonemustknowmysecre t1_j0y9zad wrote
> I was distancing myself from the false dichotomy you put forward.
Well you stepped right into the other two.
> We CAN try to put a very quick, very harsh damper on our pollution, and that would be neither of the 2 scenarios you put forward.
OH, if it's harsh enough, it's the first. If it's not harsh enough, it's the second. Currently, we're doing the 2nd, which is really the right choice.
noonemustknowmysecre t1_j0xet43 wrote
Slips on the knuckle duster
So environmentalism isn't a political issue to you? You are apathetic to pollution. Is this an endorsement of eco-terrorists such as the Sea Shepard and the Earth Liberation Front? Do you advocate for the dissolution of the EPA? Do you have any words for it's administrator Michael S. Regan?
You admit you want to import more foreign workers and undercut working class wages. These workers whom I quote "drive wages at the bottom way way down", you want more of them? Do the economic rules of supply and demand no longer apply low-end labor? Are you not aware of our current robust system where foreign workers can be allowed to work that is the work visa program? Are you looking to remove the restrictions on H-2A visas?
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a "Though". While you openly advocate we need to cut down our military spending, you acknowledge that it is "necessary and should be used". It is without doubt that we find your views "conflicting" and inconsistent.
Pleading the fifth? A likely story!
CovfefeForAll t1_j0xvhck wrote
stretches arms, starts bouncing on balls of the feet, takes a few practice air punches
> So environmentalism isn't a political issue to you?
Oof, way to miss what I said. You gave an and/or, and all I said was that the scenario you put forward is not a political issue, it was....something. Not sure what. Extinction or causing the oven-baked death of the world, as if those are the only 2 options.
> You admit you want to import more foreign workers and undercut working class wages
Nope nope. We already have foreign workers who undercut wages. The idea is to legitimize them and regulate the wages they need to be paid so that EVERYONE is paid more.
noonemustknowmysecre t1_j0xwfqo wrote
> as if those are the only 2 options.
They're ALL false dichotomies! Fight CO2 or bake the world. Combat immigration or screw the working class. Splurge on the military or abandon Ukraine and our defense agreement.
It's an antagonistic journalistic push poll trying to steer you into a conflicting statement. Hence the knuckles and such.
>The idea is to legitimize them and regulate the wages they need to be paid so that EVERYONE is paid more.
(We do that. That's literally what's happening right now. When everyone is paid more, they hire illegal workers for less.)
CovfefeForAll t1_j0y0trx wrote
>When everyone is paid more, they hire illegal workers for less
It was a three part solution. Crack down on the employers hiring undocumented workers, give a sort of minimum wage visa to anyone willing to work, and then hire them.
noonemustknowmysecre t1_j0y9me8 wrote
> give a sort of minimum wage visa to anyone willing to work, and then hire them.
RIGHT. And we DO 2 parts of your 3 part plan already. Read up on H-2A visas. H-1Bs essentially too. Are you not listening to me? When we do these two parts of your plan, what we get is what we have. Right here and right now. Meat-packers and hotels simply go get someone cheaper.
CovfefeForAll t1_j10ghes wrote
>Meat-packers and hotels simply go get someone cheaper.
And that won't happen if they start getting punished for hiring illegally. Which was part one.
noonemustknowmysecre t1_j10mtuj wrote
Agreed. Your 3 part plan was really just one thing. And "When everyone is paid more, they hire illegal workers for less" is still true. And "The idea is to legitimize them and regulate the wages they need to be paid so that EVERYONE is paid more." Is still kinda bullshitty and won't work. We're kinda going in circles at this point.
[deleted] t1_j0xjg5i wrote
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