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ashessnow t1_j1cdpvs wrote

Then you don’t know current conversations in philosophy.


noonemustknowmysecre t1_j1clktf wrote


ashessnow t1_j1ifq1t wrote

This is clearly related to the concept of epistemic justice, which, while many black and feminist scholars have talked about this since at least the 60’s, picked up steam when Miranda Fricker’s book, Epistemic Injustice, came out in 2007. Following Fricker, Jose Medina has also done some incredible work.

What I am saying is this conversation has been important for scholars for decades, and just because you didn’t know that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been happening.


noonemustknowmysecre t1_j1is0zj wrote

> This is clearly related to the concept of epistemic justice,

No, nothing about that is clear. Your obsession is showing. Not everything revolves around your personal pet topic of interest.