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awnfire t1_j3m1y61 wrote

That was a muddled reading unfortunately.

There was no real “Problem of evil” evil discussed.


SvetlanaButosky t1_j3m4m53 wrote

Good and Evil are vague man made concept, in reality there is only what people are willing to accept or not, which changes over time, culture and region.

Only subjective consensus matters.


Giggalo_Joe t1_j3njsbh wrote

Disagree. Good and evil are real, so are right and wrong. And all creatures know what they are insofar as they need to. Caring about whether an action, lack of action, or thought is right/wrong/good/evil is entirely different. A creature can and quite often does take action in its self interest knowing that it is wrong and simply does not care.


JimiWanShinobi t1_j3pwoct wrote

To the mouse, it's evil. To the cat, it's dinner...🤷‍♂️


HewktAwnPhonix t1_j3rahb9 wrote

Lol there are no philosophers here, just children,most of whom would probably fail a 101

How sad is it you're getting downvoted for pointing out moral relativism is a thing? That good and evil are cultural values and not inherant? If you grew up with different parents or in a different culture on in a different time your idea of what "good" and "evil" are would not be the same as it is now.

I guess the fact that every few posts are about capeshit mcu characters should have tipped me off as to what the typical mental age of the people in here are but oof.

People in here talk as if their own philosophy is the truth and some even cite "sources" (which is really their own shitty blog post loll ) to "prove" good and Evil are a thing 🤦🏼‍♀️


SvetlanaButosky t1_j3u1jkb wrote

Nothing is, you cant scientifically prove evil (or good), you can only prove that certain behaviors are acceptable or not acceptable to the majority, but acceptance changes over time, region and culture for a variety of reasons and justifications.

Google subjective morality/moral anti realism.

This is why slavery used to be ok, women used to have no right to vote, heck even human sacrifice used to be ok.


SvetlanaButosky t1_j3u4ks2 wrote

lol you are right, lots of amateurs in most Reddit philosophy subs, especially askphilosophy.

Sometimes you get a few "philosophy" students or "graduates" who dont really know what they are talking about, its like they barely graduated or something.

Still, its worth a try. lol


OMKensey t1_j3uv1ep wrote

Cool article. I really enjoyed it. I hadn't thought about Thor 4 in that way.