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tyco_brahe t1_j4vza5j wrote

That's what I thought too. System 1 is dumb, System 2 is lazy. Take your pick!


TheNotSoGreatPumpkin t1_j4wktsk wrote

My takeaway was it’s not really system two being lazy, it’s the whole brain trying to economize. System two is metabolically way more expensive than system one.

He admits in the book that the two systems don’t really exist independently of each other, but it’s a useful conceptual model for better understanding how our brains operate.


tyco_brahe t1_j4x8oso wrote

Necessity is the Mother of invention. Laziness is the Father.

I don't view "lazy" as a pejorative when describing system 2. To me, it means that it's efficient... it won't be engaged unless is has to, because it's expensive (metabolically).

Mostly I was just making a joke about 'lazy' system 2.