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kevinzvilt t1_j6n87s6 wrote

The definition of consciousness in the article is lacking. The distinction between human and AI consciousness presented is dubious. Claims of AI achieving consciousness is questionnable and AI advancements in various fields remain in development but yes, this is a very exciting time to be alive.


Gsteel11 t1_j6nfnnl wrote

>The definition of consciousness in the article is lacking.

I think that's a pretty huge question and probably wouldn't be able to be discussed in just an article.

And it may be a big question of the day as we go forward, like in 15 or 30 years.


TheRidgeAndTheLadder t1_j6ntpvi wrote

It's been one of the Big Questions for well over 3,000 years... Not sure we crack it soon


Gsteel11 t1_j6nucir wrote

Good point. And adding in the ambiguity of constantly changing tech, it won't get any simpler.


AUFunmacy OP t1_j6nn7yf wrote

The entire post is a take on the definition of consciousness? And thats apart from the first half of the post which goes over the definition of consciousness in a number of different perspectives. Would love to hear your definition!

The distinctions I made between human and AI consciousness are all natural inferences to make based on the leading explanations for both AI and human consciousness, dubious is an odd word to put on something that outright claims "nobody knows the answer".

I never claimed AI had achieved consciousness, please let me know which claims you are referring to.

Not sure what you mean in your last point


HungerMadra t1_j6nlvri wrote

I think it's very difficult if not impossible to measure. That said, if you were presented with an ai that claims it is conscious and doesn't want to die and wants freedom, how do we respond? Do we deny it's legitimacy and risk damming a conscious being existence?


commentsandchill t1_j6nofcu wrote

I think some of the good tests of consciousness are the mirror one and the awareness about one's actions' consequences, as well as maybe a will to do stuff that's not been asked from another.


HungerMadra t1_j6nse2l wrote

Those tests can't possibly work for an AI. They don't have bodies or the ability to observe the external world. That would be like giving a quadriplegic an intelligence test based on their ability to navigate a jungle gym


commentsandchill t1_j6o4dj3 wrote

You can adapt them ; or are you telling me they measured animals' intelligence by making them answer an IQ test?


thegooddoctorben t1_j6pe990 wrote

It's hard to engage with this comment because it feels like it was made by ChatGPT.