Recent comments in /f/philosophy
schtickkicker t1_jeh10p1 wrote
Surfing is one of my favorite things to be not good at.
[deleted] t1_jegzu3s wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in What surfing says about the importance of serendipity in life by ADefiniteDescription
[deleted] t1_jegzdcm wrote
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[deleted] t1_jegyvks wrote
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[deleted] t1_jegy3y1 wrote
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[deleted] t1_jegxs4s wrote
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[deleted] t1_jegxlco wrote
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Adius_Omega t1_jegxjvv wrote
The same can be said for a lot of activities like this.
I own a Onewheel which is an electronic skateboard with a single wheel.
They call it "floating" when you ride and it's seriously meditative. When you really get into it it's very serendipitous.
Luke2988 t1_jegxi4j wrote
Yeah. Surfers come across waves and they know which one is a good wave to ride it. A comparison to coming across a new result by chance and recognizing it as a good idea to follow.
[deleted] t1_jegwvbd wrote
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1Tiasteffen t1_jegvlbg wrote
Reply to comment by DrHaroldSkrote in What surfing says about the importance of serendipity in life by ADefiniteDescription
How many of us really surf around here ? Definitely not an image thing 😂
1Tiasteffen t1_jegva78 wrote
Reply to comment by atamasco87 in What surfing says about the importance of serendipity in life by ADefiniteDescription
Time in the water gives you time to blow waves
[deleted] t1_jegpr0c wrote
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ema9102 t1_jegm722 wrote
I recently watched the yin and yang of gerry lopez which I think taught a similar lesson with a real life example and living legend. Give it a watch.
ema9102 t1_jeglxa4 wrote
Reply to comment by breadandbuttercreek in What surfing says about the importance of serendipity in life by ADefiniteDescription
The ying and the yang my friend.
atamasco87 t1_jegkc99 wrote
Reply to comment by phillosopherp in What surfing says about the importance of serendipity in life by ADefiniteDescription
😂😂😂 Underrated post 👌
phillosopherp t1_jegj9oc wrote
Reply to comment by turbo_dude in What surfing says about the importance of serendipity in life by ADefiniteDescription
Time in the water gives you time to "warm up" the wetsuit
turbo_dude t1_jegd4zq wrote
Reply to comment by Riptide360 in What surfing says about the importance of serendipity in life by ADefiniteDescription
Time in the water gives you time to drink.
GyantSpyder t1_jegco5x wrote
Reply to comment by Asleep-Television-24 in /r/philosophy Open Discussion Thread | March 27, 2023 by BernardJOrtcutt
MacIntyre is super important IMO and not nearly enough people know the ideas he was getting at. Think about all the time people spend arguing on the internet - what are they actually doing? Concepts like "blue lies," "concern trolls," and other social behaviors around rhetoric that undermine discourse as debate - if you have some MacIntyre handy it makes a lot more sense than if you don't.
vipros42 t1_jegcn89 wrote
Reply to comment by breadandbuttercreek in What surfing says about the importance of serendipity in life by ADefiniteDescription
I'm a surfer. Hopefully not a dickhead. The best surfer out there is the one having the best time. I don't know why so many are such miserable, miserly, judgemental fucks.
GyantSpyder t1_jegbns6 wrote
Reply to comment by Edmondg3 in /r/philosophy Open Discussion Thread | March 27, 2023 by BernardJOrtcutt
This is pretty basic freshman year philosophy stuff. If you're finding it really crazy and eye-opening then this is probably an area where you could blow your mind a lot!
It's long, but it's reasonably well-organized and I think it makes straightforward sense. I didn't make up the terminology.
None of this depends on free will or karma - at least not in the sense that it requires there to be an external punisher who enforces compliance with moral rules or a externally verifiable sense that things could have happened in ways other than they did. A lot of ethics does involve seriously thinking about why anyone would want to be ethical, and it doesn't start and stop with just the supernatural or speculative.
Something can be "the right thing to do" because, for example, it leads to you becoming the person you want to be. And whether you have free will or not does not matter. It can be the right thing to do because it's what you would want people to do for you, which also isn't an exotic concern.
In general this sub is way too obsessed with speculative questions of free will, sentience, determinism, consciousness, and "nihilism" and not really concerned with or interested enough in what life is actually like and how philosophy as a broad literature might give you a systematic way of speaking about it and making some sense of it. Of course you could accuse philosophers of the same thing but that's not always the case.
I just think your initial question in this comment thread isn't really a "free will" question - because whether you have free will or not I think if you're talking about change over time there is a role for random chance as a retroactive explanation that has a role in grasping moral situations.
DrHaroldSkrote t1_jegawca wrote
Reply to comment by artinthebeats in What surfing says about the importance of serendipity in life by ADefiniteDescription
Because its the image, and surfers are image obsessed
DrHaroldSkrote t1_jegadvp wrote
Reply to comment by Timely-Vehicle in What surfing says about the importance of serendipity in life by ADefiniteDescription
Lol, I think you got Miyagi-ed. Your instructor taught you a lesson, just not the one you wanted. Your lesson was more cultural. Surf brah culture is filled with these shitheads. It's totally unique to surfing too when compared to other sports....skateboarding, BMX, mountain biking , and whitewater in my experience.
lazydogjumper t1_jeg8mjn wrote
Reply to comment by artinthebeats in What surfing says about the importance of serendipity in life by ADefiniteDescription
A bit blunt but true. You need space to surf, even if you have good control, and waves are only so big.
ksleepwalker t1_jeh3nxu wrote
Reply to comment by 1Tiasteffen in What surfing says about the importance of serendipity in life by ADefiniteDescription
Time in the water >>> Timing the water