Submitted by contractualist t3_yzmht5
Submitted by thenousman t3_zsnec1
Submitted by CytheYounger t3_z4hlqb
Submitted by LifeOfAPancake t3_11eov7t
The intersubjectivity collapse: a collapse of the network of unspoken rules that hold civilization together based on the subjectivity of minds that have created it, due to introduction of vastly new minds that lead to unpredictability of agents amongst each other.
mentalcontractions.substack.comSubmitted by Gmroo t3_106khbl
Submitted by TheStateOfException t3_zj2go4
Submitted by ADefiniteDescription t3_124rzej
Submitted by DirtyOldPanties t3_zpnw8f
Submitted by Unity-Druid t3_zbm61o
“The objective requires the subjective as a foil if it is to play the scientific role late nineteenth-century philosophers assigned to it, not to mention to become accessible through our perceptual apparatus in new kinds of mathematical and logical symbolism.”
jhiblog.orgSubmitted by Maxwellsdemon17 t3_xsrx5g
Submitted by contractualist t3_yhhoib
Submitted by fatsosis t3_11xh9cf
Submitted by craigthelinguist t3_10bl49w
Submitted by ADefiniteDescription t3_11ooi5n
Submitted by beforesunset1010 t3_za96to