Submitted by geoxol t3_ymf7vf
Michael Shermer argues that science can determine many of our moral values. Morality is aimed at protecting certain human desires, like avoidance of harm (e.g. torture, slavery). Science helps us determine what these desires are and how to best achieve them.
on-humans.podcastpage.ioSubmitted by Ma3Ke4Li3 t3_ynt30e
Submitted by ADefiniteDescription t3_100o0uv
The often misused buzzword Paradigm originated in extremely popular and controversial philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn's work; he defined the term in two core ways: firstly as a disciplinary matrix (similar to the concept of a worldview) and secondly as an exemplar
thelivingphilosophy.substack.comSubmitted by thelivingphilosophy t3_10w32zk
Submitted by Azmisov t3_11qjmwp
Submitted by grh55 t3_zf4qgy
Submitted by ADefiniteDescription t3_zue2zg
Nietzsche's American Idol: in Nietzsche's Overman to his Death of God we can see the influence of Ralph Waldo Emerson who "exercised a continuous influence stronger than that of any other writer on Nietzsche" and was “one of the prototypes of Zarathustra”
thelivingphilosophy.substack.comSubmitted by thelivingphilosophy t3_z7uo0z
Submitted by thenousman t3_10ck7mf