Submitted by Necessary_Tadpole692 t3_10x97jk
Submitted by ADefiniteDescription t3_10k8y95
Submitted by linosan t3_11j6ckv
Philip Kitcher argues that morality is a social technology designed to solve problems emerging from the fragility of human altruism. Morality can be evaluated objectively, but without assuming moral truths. The view makes sense against a Darwinian view of life, but it is not social Darwinism.
on-humans.podcastpage.ioSubmitted by Ma3Ke4Li3 t3_y5iu41
Submitted by phileconomicus t3_ycisnw
Often mischaracterized as a rather debaucherous, hedonistic philosophy, Epicureanism actually focuses on the removal of pain and anxiety from our lives, and champions a calm ‘philosophy as therapy’ approach in pursuit of life’s highest pleasure: mental tranquility.
philosophybreak.comSubmitted by philosophybreak t3_117z7oh
Submitted by greghickey5 t3_113ecst
Submitted by BernardJOrtcutt t3_ycc1f1
Submitted by thenousman t3_10ck7mf
Submitted by BernardJOrtcutt t3_zvnq0i
Submitted by BernardJOrtcutt t3_10df9ua
‘Flow’, comparable to the Chinese concept of Wu Wei, dissolves our sense of self and transforms our experience of time. It’s an antidote to the modern world’s obsession with multitasking, but finding it depends on balancing the challenge of a task against our skill.
iai.tvSubmitted by IAI_Admin t3_10v57xf
Submitted by seethehappymoron t3_11d0voy