Submitted by contractualist t3_yzmht5
Submitted by Apotheosical t3_10vwkqi
Anna Alexandrova, a philosopher of science at Cambridge, argues that a “science of happiness” is possible but requires a new approach. Measures such as “life satisfaction” or “positive emotions” can be studied rigorously. An underlying variable of “happiness” cannot.
on-humans.podcastpage.ioSubmitted by Ma3Ke4Li3 t3_106k3wb
Patricia Churchland argues that morality is rooted in our Darwinian biology. She links morality to warm-bloodedness, which required an adaptation to care for others (originally, infants). This is the biological basis for unselfish concern, and later, moral intuitions.
on-humans.podcastpage.ioSubmitted by Ma3Ke4Li3 t3_y0hchd
Submitted by BernardJOrtcutt t3_z0zpb0
Submitted by owlthatissuperb t3_10do9y0
Submitted by ThomasJP1983 t3_yv9nft
Submitted by BernardJOrtcutt t3_yonrjg
Submitted by TuvixWasMurderedR1P t3_10ludci
Submitted by BernardJOrtcutt t3_1177dsz
Submitted by ADefiniteDescription t3_124rzej
Submitted by BernardJOrtcutt t3_zd7hlq