Submitted by 4r530n t3_110iuyu
The intersubjectivity collapse: a collapse of the network of unspoken rules that hold civilization together based on the subjectivity of minds that have created it, due to introduction of vastly new minds that lead to unpredictability of agents amongst each other.
mentalcontractions.substack.comSubmitted by Gmroo t3_106khbl
"In other words, an important lesson we can draw from Hans Blumenberg’s writings on myth is that the dangerous political myths of our own times as well as those of the past can only be countered by inventing new myths, telling better stories, and writing more convincing histories."
jhiblog.orgSubmitted by Maxwellsdemon17 t3_y75g2l
Submitted by No_Maintenance_569 t3_10nobmo
Submitted by AUFunmacy t3_10pwt44
Submitted by fatsosis t3_11xh9cf
Submitted by BernardJOrtcutt t3_1118wno
Submitted by BernardJOrtcutt t3_11qaiuh
Submitted by elimial t3_11i9heq
Submitted by CytheYounger t3_z4hlqb
Submitted by ElliElephant t3_11ipi6p
Submitted by BernardJOrtcutt t3_xuk9z9
Submitted by BernardJOrtcutt t3_107f3ud
"A socialist society has no room for parties or trade unions. [...] The struggle is for the simultaneous abolition of both market and production relations, [...]for the abolition of the differences in the working class brought about by the capitalist division of labor."
londonautonomygroup.wordpress.comSubmitted by Maxwellsdemon17 t3_ymq8z6
“The objective requires the subjective as a foil if it is to play the scientific role late nineteenth-century philosophers assigned to it, not to mention to become accessible through our perceptual apparatus in new kinds of mathematical and logical symbolism.”
jhiblog.orgSubmitted by Maxwellsdemon17 t3_xsrx5g