A cross between an Existentialist and an Old Testament prophet, Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard urged his "single individual" reader to follow the "highest passion" of faith rather than becoming one of the stereotyped pseudo-individuals of "The Crowd"
thelivingphilosophy.substack.comSubmitted by thelivingphilosophy t3_yt6m03
Michael Shermer argues that science can determine many of our moral values. Morality is aimed at protecting certain human desires, like avoidance of harm (e.g. torture, slavery). Science helps us determine what these desires are and how to best achieve them.
on-humans.podcastpage.ioSubmitted by Ma3Ke4Li3 t3_ynt30e
Submitted by ADefiniteDescription t3_ye0e7s
The philosophy of Martin Heidegger who argued that the Technological mindset has destroyed our relationship to the world so that Nature is seen as so many resources to exploit. He presents an alternative: a poetic relationship to the world
thelivingphilosophy.substack.comSubmitted by thelivingphilosophy t3_yd3q1b
Submitted by Otarih t3_11b25kv
Submitted by Sphaerocypraea t3_xtiajf
The benefits of doing nothing | An overactive 'life drive' endlessly seeks expansion, inevitably leads to burnout, and drains us of the energy needed to truly progress. Finding the time to do nothing is essential to reassessing who we are and who we want to be.
iai.tvSubmitted by IAI_Admin t3_y6czml
Submitted by TuvixWasMurderedR1P t3_yd1jb3
Submitted by CryptoTrader1024 t3_zwqxxb