Submitted by existentialgoof t3_10p27d7
“Anybody can become angry, that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, for the right purpose... that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.” | The ‘Golden Mean’: Aristotle’s Guide to Living Excellently
philosophybreak.comSubmitted by philosophybreak t3_10kv2rs
Philip Kitcher argues that secular humanism should distance itself from New Atheism. Religion is a source of community and inspiration to many. Religion is harmful - and incompatible with humanism - only when it is used as a conversation-stopper in moral debates.
on-humans.podcastpage.ioSubmitted by Ma3Ke4Li3 t3_zwfizu
Stoicism's archnemesis Epicurus wasn't your typical hedonist. His recipe for the good life emphasised minimising pain rather than maximising pleasure. Living frugally and free from pain we could live cheerfully and in community with the greatest blessing of all—friends
thelivingphilosophy.substack.comSubmitted by thelivingphilosophy t3_zht3dx
Thomas Sowell argues political disagreements are not conflicts of interests but "conflicts of visions". The "Unconstrained" Utopians believe human nature is perfectible while the "Constrained" believe that humans are inherently (though not necessarily essentially) selfish and greedy
thelivingphilosophy.substack.comSubmitted by thelivingphilosophy t3_y4s2la
Submitted by CardboardDreams t3_11twsc7
Submitted by piko_420 t3_11tvl96
Submitted by doubtstack t3_10mit1s
Submitted by simonperry955 t3_10k1q8f