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brutecookie5 t1_j6xamyq wrote
There is no way in hell that Gritty doesn't call that "the shore", because that's where Philadelphians go to swim in the ocean.
MickeyButters t1_j6yey7t wrote
Yeah, "Gritty down the shore" is what this needs to be called.
NotThatEasily t1_j6yzdg2 wrote
The shore is in New Jersey, whereas the beach is in Delaware.
brutecookie5 t1_j6zdwvb wrote
Couldn't say, we were an Ocean City NJ family. Same rental house, same week every year.
NotThatEasily t1_j6ze6p0 wrote
I grew up in DelCo and live in Delaware now. I always found it funny that you knew which state someone was going to based on whether they said “the shore” or “the beach.” Also, the pronunciation of Newark is different for Delaware and New Jersey: NewARK for Delaware and NewERK for Jersey.
KamovInOnUp t1_j6xiaba wrote
Okay what the fuck is that
misterspokes t1_j6xu31y wrote
It's Gritty, the mascot for the Philadelphia Flyers NHL team.
coolkirk1701 t1_j6xyvr7 wrote
And eldritch god of the underworld.
Thoth74 t1_j6zikjb wrote
All hail Gritty, our Dark Lord!
SoulHoarder t1_j6xjo3v wrote
Is it the cookie time monster?
neutralParadox0 t1_j6yw23n wrote
A meth-addicted muppet.
[deleted] t1_j6wwxhm wrote
[deleted] t1_j6z0687 wrote
Yabba_Dabba_Doofus t1_j6zv1ou wrote
In my feed, the thread directly above this is about which hockey mascot makes the least sense.
I don't know if this answers that question, but it does paint Gritty in a whole new light...
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