Submitted by aguslucas t3_111ityl in photoshopbattles
[deleted] t1_j8ewb8j wrote
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[deleted] t1_j8ewbse wrote
LeviathanGank t1_j8eze7c wrote
it doesnt contain aids or your money back.
[deleted] t1_j8f0oof wrote
EyeSprout t1_j8f4kvc wrote
Well, the obvious one, a sacrifice to the flame gods.
frecklesthemagician t1_j8f5a80 wrote
This is so dystopian-looking.
[deleted] t1_j8f5hhy wrote
Mindraker t1_j8f5ken wrote
The alien mothership just arrived at Earth. Trust us; this will make your life better.
EskildDood t1_j8f67ix wrote
All their smiles look incredibly fake, and the lighting sure doesn't help, they look like evil corporate overlords
trwwy321 t1_j8f6abz wrote
I envision them in hell with red flames all around
turndownfortheclap t1_j8f7jfr wrote
Has anyone seen the Yogurt short on that Netflix show?
[deleted] t1_j8f7wwn wrote
[deleted] t1_j8f7zpa wrote
frecklesthemagician t1_j8f8ya1 wrote
Yes exactly! It almost seems menacing or hostile even
[deleted] t1_j8f945i wrote
[deleted] t1_j8fa5i1 wrote
SligPants t1_j8fafqt wrote
turn rightside up at your own risk
(this is called the Thatcher Effect)
[deleted] t1_j8fb5m9 wrote
crazywaffle t1_j8fbh7s wrote
Black Hole Sun wont you come.
theveryrealreal t1_j8fbwad wrote
Urine samples and one in back is stool sample - you're welcome.
[deleted] t1_j8fc13j wrote
[deleted] t1_j8fcpwa wrote
VoilaVoilaWashington t1_j8fcvtj wrote
He who controls the yoghurt, controls the universe.
aguslucas OP t1_j8fdrzs wrote
I was thinking in Rosemary's Baby ending
LordVisceral t1_j8febj7 wrote
They look like a movie depicting an evil cabal or monsters revealing a new dangerous product to the market that's going to eat you inside out or turn you into a fat gullible horde vis-a-vis leviathans in supernatural.
xprmntng t1_j8fefbo wrote
SHRED-209 t1_j8ffurr wrote
I just looked up more examples of the Thatcher Effect. That shit is wild.
Hazel-Ice t1_j8fhh3k wrote
Love Death Robots yeah?
[deleted] t1_j8fiaux wrote
[deleted] t1_j8finp2 wrote
hgs25 t1_j8fj0x3 wrote
Introducing our latest product: Soylent Green
[deleted] t1_j8fl8vg wrote
Kallium19 t1_j8flhls wrote
Why does it work though?
[deleted] t1_j8fmj52 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8fp17k wrote
[deleted] t1_j8fp37a wrote
gl3nnjamin t1_j8fphee wrote
Remember no loud noise, no head bowling, and no parties, or it'll be your ass in a jar!
[deleted] t1_j8fqdbe wrote
[deleted] t1_j8fqzmf wrote
[deleted] t1_j8frrxr wrote
[deleted] t1_j8fua6k wrote
[deleted] t1_j8fvj9p wrote
[deleted] t1_j8fvxdz wrote
moonra_zk t1_j8fwnvb wrote
I'd guess because the face features are right side up it looks normal to our brain, so it focuses on that, but when you turn it upside down it focuses on how fucking weird it looks.
WetCoastLife t1_j8fyv55 wrote
FormsTheory t1_j8fyzkg wrote
They belong in the head jar museum
[deleted] t1_j8g1xgr wrote
MrGavinsker t1_j8g2awt wrote
[deleted] t1_j8g421n wrote
Forever-Silence t1_j8g47xc wrote
Giving lil yatchy new album vibes
ArchibaldMcAcherson t1_j8g4vt5 wrote
Eat it, eat it, eat it nooooowww!
DingDongDideliDanger t1_j8g559l wrote
I doubt this is the Thatcher Effect because I'm lacking the sudden urge to get arrested for public urination
[deleted] t1_j8g5ahj wrote
[deleted] t1_j8g5bpg wrote
cinemachick t1_j8g5jve wrote
This reminds me so much of picking a starter Pokemon...
[deleted] t1_j8g5w4r wrote
RazzZzatam t1_j8g6b64 wrote
To be more specific, the brain has an entire region dedicated to recognizing faces in the fusiform gyrus. When upside-down that region is not fully activated, as the orientation doesn't correspond to the brains idea of what a face is (two eyes above a nose and mouth). Because of this, the brain fills in some gaps. When inverted the face region activates and basically tells the rest of the brain something is wrong.
Fun fact on this topic: Humans aren't born with the ability to discern specifically human faces, but are born with a tendency to look at faces so as to develop this skill better. And yet in the same breath, early infants can discern between similar faces on other species (tested with pictures of a type of monkey) that even individuals who spend their lives researching the species may not be able to detect.
TheCosplayCave t1_j8g6cst wrote
oh no D :
lemaquilleur t1_j8g6eei wrote
This is my favorite one.
[deleted] t1_j8g6qx8 wrote
MoistViolinist t1_j8g744q wrote
LOL this is gold!
[deleted] t1_j8g7odb wrote
ComicGaming t1_j8g7ya1 wrote
I wanna go to THAT museum!
[deleted] t1_j8g7zod wrote
lhurker t1_j8g82ms wrote
Lol, take your damn upvote.
[deleted] t1_j8g83f2 wrote
ThatNachoFreshFeelin t1_j8g8xky wrote
Reminds me of the Mutter Museum.
[deleted] t1_j8g9aat wrote
[deleted] t1_j8g9not wrote
not_a_moogle t1_j8gceu1 wrote
My favorite part of blue man group
MurdocAddams t1_j8gd02s wrote
Made me think of The Stuff.
[deleted] t1_j8gdkxy wrote
[deleted] t1_j8gdtqt wrote
[deleted] t1_j8gekbq wrote
CriticalTinkerer t1_j8geve4 wrote
You gotta redo this one but they all have babies instead of yogurts
TriggerBladeX t1_j8gfzad wrote
And wash away the rain?
BTBishops t1_j8ggmsv wrote
Love that place
[deleted] t1_j8gh8h3 wrote
ManicTypist t1_j8ghyjz wrote
YESS I love the Thatcher Effect, it's so funny, I made a bunch of Thatcher Effect memes for my own personal uselol
ManicTypist t1_j8gi49i wrote
That's fascinating. Do you have any further reading that talks about the studies??
FrankGrimesIV t1_j8gikhz wrote
Hail yogurt!
[deleted] t1_j8gilrf wrote
[deleted] t1_j8gixtq wrote
CapitanChicken t1_j8gj0x0 wrote
Hey hey hey, L. B. J. you wanna get drunk?
[deleted] t1_j8gj1fw wrote
mahanath t1_j8gj7nc wrote
Cthulhu Gurt - Hear The Call
SLIP411 t1_j8gl80x wrote
Ooo! Speaking of sacrifice, this reminds me of the sacrifice scene in Temple of doom lol nice one
[deleted] t1_j8glp3h wrote
[deleted] t1_j8gm9xy wrote
[deleted] t1_j8gmpql wrote
[deleted] t1_j8gnh6k wrote
Wrandraall t1_j8gnnec wrote
I now hope they release a new album
Mistake902 t1_j8go55a wrote
Can the lady in the middle take a few steps forward
[deleted] t1_j8godud wrote
spidaminida t1_j8gowb3 wrote
Hail yourselves!
Budalido23 t1_j8gqis5 wrote
They would clearly be better at running Ohio anyway
[deleted] t1_j8gr0z7 wrote
WetCoastLife t1_j8grcc8 wrote
wolfchaldo t1_j8grrgc wrote
What moron decided lighting up the speakers like a dad telling a spooky story with a flashlight was a good podium design?
[deleted] t1_j8gsfb8 wrote
RazzZzatam t1_j8gt9f7 wrote
In regards to the monkey study, I believe it was prior to ~6 months old, when habituated to the image of a monkey, babies still showed increase response as they would to a novel stimulus when shown a slightly different monkey of the same species, whereas older infants showed no increased response. Sadly, I can't provide any readings, as I'm just spouting off the things I've learned in university so far.
[deleted] t1_j8gtfm0 wrote
ZPhox t1_j8gtwy2 wrote
So much teeth.
Vindepomarus t1_j8gu3lg wrote
The frogurt is also cursed.
dragonmp93 t1_j8gu9ze wrote
May The Schwartz Be With You.
ManicTypist t1_j8guk79 wrote
That's really interesting. Babies are organic processors overclocking shit until they chill tf out after they're "unboxed" (born). Biology is fascinating. Appreciate the knowledge!
Moth_Jam t1_j8gvjj4 wrote
Yogurt? I hate yogurt! Even with strawberries.
1957toDate t1_j8h05a3 wrote
Do not use this brain.
[deleted] t1_j8h1265 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8h3r7l wrote
MindlessVegetation t1_j8h3wnc wrote
Lets just give them Ohio.
Kooseh t1_j8h3zkd wrote
You should see that episode of "love, death & robots" when yoghurt takes over the world.
jmbtrooper t1_j8h4vdu wrote
Hail Gein!
[deleted] t1_j8h598d wrote
mivaad t1_j8h64oi wrote
can she take a few more
adviceKiwi t1_j8h6tu7 wrote
Terry has entered the chat...
i_sell_you_lies t1_j8h7evn wrote
[deleted] t1_j8h85xt wrote
[deleted] t1_j8h8cnu wrote
absboodoo t1_j8h97a7 wrote
Nice try Umbrella, I’m not eating that yogurt full of T-viruses
[deleted] t1_j8ha55m wrote
MyDogHasAPodcast t1_j8hanes wrote
Resistance is futile.
[deleted] t1_j8hayqt wrote
[deleted] t1_j8hbzdp wrote
FortuneHasFaded t1_j8hdeub wrote
And with our forces combined we will create the world's most bigly delicious yogurt
[deleted] t1_j8hdmck wrote
[deleted] t1_j8he4mc wrote
[deleted] t1_j8hfbm9 wrote
jinglewooble t1_j8hjd9t wrote
ReptilianLaserbeam t1_j8hk99i wrote
First thing that came to mind, hope someone photoshops it
Ploedman t1_j8hkkq6 wrote
Can't unseen it now.
[deleted] t1_j8hlivq wrote
[deleted] t1_j8hmpwx wrote
[deleted] t1_j8hmzfg wrote
[deleted] t1_j8hnfxy wrote
bart2019 t1_j8hociq wrote
It remindes me so much of that famous album cover from Apex Twins.
kangaroocaz t1_j8hpdt7 wrote
Just a few more...
[deleted] t1_j8hqigb wrote
Whymzz t1_j8hreqm wrote
This was unexpected but deeply appreciated.
Whymzz t1_j8hrh3n wrote
Looks like she might eat the people too!
MijTinmol t1_j8hvdch wrote
[deleted] t1_j8hwj02 wrote
stevey_frac t1_j8hygt6 wrote
Can you imagine yogurt hail? It would be such a mess. Dairy products everywhere all over the ground. I bet it would stink really bad after a few days too.
[deleted] t1_j8hyqi0 wrote
staticthreat t1_j8hzb8a wrote
[deleted] t1_j8hzkcy wrote
[deleted] t1_j8hzp2s wrote
[deleted] t1_j8i0o6b wrote
[deleted] t1_j8i2zdb wrote
[deleted] t1_j8i3mso wrote
[deleted] t1_j8i4shn wrote
[deleted] t1_j8i8yph wrote
[deleted] t1_j8i92wa wrote
[deleted] t1_j8i9fjt wrote
[deleted] t1_j8i9j74 wrote
capt_carl t1_j8iaquf wrote
Abby Normal.
[deleted] t1_j8iaram wrote
[deleted] t1_j8ib04w wrote
Noyesmaker t1_j8ibpo6 wrote
NTX2329 t1_j8icuz7 wrote
Criminally underrated comment. This looks like marketing for The Stuff remake.
Gnostromo t1_j8idiok wrote
Wait. What even is this original photo? Holy yikes.
spidaminida t1_j8iepw4 wrote
Me gustalations :)
[deleted] t1_j8if95d wrote
DuckZnDragonZ t1_j8ig5hq wrote
I was hoping to see someone photoshop them carbonite frozen.
BaronVonDouche t1_j8ihkx3 wrote
Put on these glasses or start eating this yogurt!
mooseman99 t1_j8ik1my wrote
Did you put your yogurt in the goblet of fire?
[deleted] t1_j8imuni wrote
ThePissShiver t1_j8iofhm wrote
great blast from the past!
[deleted] t1_j8ira9z wrote
[deleted] t1_j8ircfr wrote
Stage06 t1_j8irgqe wrote
This is in need of a remake
[deleted] t1_j8is53e wrote
itsactuallyoctopuses t1_j8ito6l wrote
And melt my yogurt faaaace
az_shoe t1_j8ityz6 wrote
That's awesome, and the hands are freaking hilarious when you zoom in. Extra finger you you, claw hand for you...
poxx2k1 t1_j8ivbsf wrote
Flip it then reverse it
FabulousLemon t1_j8ivtbn wrote
At the gala inauguration of the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology — an institution billed as a cooperative effort to confront extremism "by the latest intellectual, media and numerical methods and means" — Trump joined Saudi King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud and Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi in laying their hands on a lit-up globe.
[deleted] t1_j8ix8rg wrote
theDinoSour t1_j8ixgtt wrote
Nice, can you slide rowdy roddy piper in there somehow?
RingRingBanannaPhone t1_j8iyxoh wrote
I'd be annoyed if one like this wasn't here. Thank you
ThePrussianGrippe t1_j8izsur wrote
The yogurt is also cursed.
richardgrabcat t1_j8j2l7o wrote
flargenhargen t1_j8j3mx3 wrote
The Greater Good
RoanWoasbi t1_j8j5nki wrote
Followed by The Taste.
Andres3mg t1_j8j7h5y wrote
You win hands Fucking down
[deleted] t1_j8k2b8e wrote
Oreo-belt25 t1_j8k80vr wrote
It's-it's all Thatcher...?
[deleted] t1_j8lmu8j wrote
No-Illustrator-3375 t1_j8lx0sr wrote
[deleted] t1_j8m0b9x wrote
Almarma t1_j8m8hy4 wrote
Really?? What a wonderful organization!
LaCroix_Roy t1_j8ni20x wrote
Lumen industries leading the way
vavalos t1_j8nt4bg wrote
[deleted] t1_j8zl69e wrote
Yayman123 t1_j98k0ho wrote
This is literally the same photo.
Yayman123 t1_j98kijv wrote
kangaroocaz t1_j99wk2b wrote
A little more....
AutoModerator t1_j8evxrh wrote
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