Submitted by tucci007 t3_11h5u7p in photoshopbattles
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[deleted] t1_jas93qd wrote
jenksy t1_jasc9ed wrote
...aren't nebulizers, and specifically the oils you put in them, bad for animals?
Longhairedspider t1_jasgemi wrote
This is how they use an inhaler, like for asthma.
Saarcore t1_jasgj1y wrote
No, it's used with medicine. You're thinking of a oil diffuser.
tucci007 OP t1_jasxklg wrote
clearly he is vaping some bangin kush oil
[deleted] t1_jaszqfo wrote
jenksy t1_jat0vc6 wrote
Ahh yes okay thank you!
UnderdogRising t1_jat2sx2 wrote
He/She does look pretty faded.
rayshmayshmay t1_jat39ju wrote
Hah! That /jk you put at the end is perfect! Without it I would’ve totally thought your bunny has either some oral fixation issues or glaucoma!! Haha!
[deleted] t1_jat6e6h wrote
wiceo t1_jat7gey wrote
BeeBee_ThatsMe t1_jatembw wrote
... It's still hard to see the eye for an eye and not a butthole.
[deleted] t1_jatf9s9 wrote
hearnia_2k t1_jatlna8 wrote
why would anyone put oils into a nebulizer? I feel that wouldn't be great for humans either!
Nebulizers are more typically used with medication, for Asthma, or saline, to help clear lungs if sick for example.
ThePantser t1_jatrewr wrote
What's the bunny getting hopped up on?
jenksy t1_jatvelg wrote
I've seen them used for scented oils lots
wiceo t1_jatw7fb wrote
ThisOnePlaysTooMuch t1_jatx3nd wrote
Communicating intent is never important
ThisOnePlaysTooMuch t1_jatx5ai wrote
Fastest retribution arc on reddit
xaviersaucey t1_jatxnnn wrote
smthngwyrd t1_jatzivz wrote
Albuterol gives you the shakes
[deleted] t1_jau44dd wrote
KamovInOnUp t1_jau4wxo wrote
It shouldn't...
If you're having that reaction you should tell your doctor
KamovInOnUp t1_jau506i wrote
You think a weed habit is purely oral fixation?
[deleted] t1_jau8hyp wrote
Hunnilisa t1_jau8wwh wrote
A nebulizer is a small machine that turns liquid medicine into a mist that can be easily inhaled. People do crazy shit, but nebulizers are traditionally for medicine.
[deleted] t1_jauc11f wrote
jenksy t1_jauc2kz wrote
hey I'm just an idiot with a computer.. I confused multiple things every day.
ThisOnePlaysTooMuch t1_jauccfe wrote
We only despise people who double/triple down when incorrect. I’ve done it, and I am justifiably despised by the correct parties involved. We’re all wrong about a lot of things. Unwillingness to correct oneself is just fucking annoying. Keep teaching and learning, and stay humble:)
[deleted] t1_jaujgow wrote
[deleted] t1_jauo2h5 wrote
[deleted] t1_jav1c0a wrote
[deleted] t1_jav5asx wrote
hearnia_2k t1_jav84xz wrote
That can't be good for people.
TomatoOrangeMelon t1_jav8jcq wrote
Neither are alcohol and smokes. People do them anyway.
MrMargo t1_javadz2 wrote
Let me do it for you!
[deleted] t1_javb738 wrote
10011110 t1_javb8qa wrote
The OP pictures of this subreddit often leave me with a mildlyinfuriating thirst for context. Sometimes I wish OP had to share where they found this stuff, but that's not why this subreddit is here. 🙃
hearnia_2k t1_javda4u wrote
Both of those are addictive, and have neurological impacts.
Are you suggestng the same is true for putting oils in a nebulizer?
TomatoOrangeMelon t1_jave5ks wrote
No. I mean humans are not well known for not doing things just because those things are harmful to them.
hearnia_2k t1_javg3uk wrote
I don't think those humans would do it for no reason at all, either.
Darth_Esealial t1_javjzue wrote
Nebulizers are used to soothe the respiratory tract and moisten exudate for the rabbit to easily expel by coughing/sneezing.
LunairCinderella t1_jaw1ol4 wrote
When all I do is for you, Kermie.
[deleted] t1_jaw29oq wrote
Prettymuchnow t1_jaw4lwz wrote
The receptors that these medications act on are present in both lung tissue and cardiac tissue. It is not uncommon to see tachycardia / hypertension and jitters/ anxiety as a side effect.
[deleted] t1_jawe76p wrote
tucci007 OP t1_jay1mfx wrote
they're also used to administer meds like antibiotics
[deleted] t1_jbnrfke wrote
[deleted] t1_jc06023 wrote
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