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snave_ t1_jdggkgi wrote

What's interesting is that there are rice paddies surrounding a train line just down the coast of Taiwan from the village that inspired Spirited Away. The area gets an absurd amount of rain and when inundated, it can look like this. Particularly if vuewed from the road to the west, the coastal backdrop can guve an illusion of water almost stretching out infinitely. One can only speculate that Miyazaki travelled south on his trip and saw this.


captain_zavec t1_jdh0pv5 wrote

Wow I'll definitely have to visit there someday, sounds magical. What's it called?


syu425 t1_jdhwvrh wrote

Well there is a city in Taiwan call Jiufen that’s where Miyazaki got his inspiration from for Spirited away. It wouldn’t be surprising if he use the surrounding area as part of design too.