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RedstoneRelic t1_iubnpje wrote

I would pay to see grandmasters play but every other move is made by someone completely unfamiliar with chess strategy, and can't be told what to do by the grandmaster.


Plokooon t1_iubtgz5 wrote

There is a variant called hand & Brain close to this.


MrArtless t1_iudeqhp wrote

It’s called a proAM game and they’ve done this before


AnnihilationOrchid t1_iu9xvxb wrote

Just seems like she played d4. Don't think they're agast OP.

Edit: Oh, this is fisher random. forget what I said.


KaeptnKaese t1_iudfltx wrote

If they let her do this at such an event, you'd think she's probably kinda good at chess.


Teripid t1_iuairn0 wrote

A picture is worth a thousand coded vibrations.


NathanKinard t1_iub59u7 wrote

I don't understand.... is it just because she exposed the king to a bishop wipe?


KaeptnKaese t1_iudfvap wrote

Maybe you'd understand if you knew as much about chess as she does.


DarthToothbrush t1_iud7wjp wrote

Is the other little girl on the right staring daggers at the one in the middle?


Skystrike12 t1_iuc5c3c wrote

Am i the only one seeing an issue with the initial board layout…?


HeySeussCristo t1_iuc65um wrote

It's Fischer Random, also called chess 960


Skystrike12 t1_iucomn1 wrote

I hate it


angelv255 t1_iue22tt wrote

Its meant to have a random match with little to no preparation. Nowadays with computer preparation getting better and better, most masters need to memorize a bunch of sequences of moves with lots of ramifications to have a good openning and good game. Which made the game a lot about memory rather than other skills that were originally challenged in the game.

This way, making the initial piece placement random, you kinda throw out the window all the preparation masters have and so they have a game kinda like the old times, challenging skills like originality, tactical vision, initiave, awareness, etc and not so much memory.


fiendo13 t1_iucz8zy wrote

I’ve been watching Gothamchess’s YouTube daily recaps of this tournament, it’s awesome actually. I’m not exaggerating when I say he is the greatest chess commentator of all time.


Kifflom_ t1_iud5lb0 wrote

Call me old-fashioned, but aren't six-year old girls a bit to young to play chess against Magnus Carlsen..?


The_Reginald_ t1_iue5ds5 wrote

Isn't this like the most common first move? Is that why they're aghast?