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ApiContraption t1_irhktg0 wrote

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arond3 t1_irhwx3q wrote

Since nobody did i'll try :

  • the idea is ok.
  • the result is probably not on par with what people expext on this sub.
  • to make the joke funnier you may have added the shadow of a human.

Edit : at first glance i didn't saw the band aid on the dog and the base ball bat.


DrSmurfalicious t1_iri7s3p wrote

There's nothing wrong with it and it deserves upvotes. The font is a bit hard to read is all. It's a funny concept. Keep contributing to future posts.

What I do have a problem with is the comment I'm replying to. That first sentence is clearly a statement but it feels like it wants to be, or should be, a question.


pimp-bangin t1_iriz1fs wrote

Yeah that font has more of like a Texas/cowboy vibe or maybe like a baseball feel to it (looks a little bit like the Red Sox font). I see what you were going for now that you mention it, but yeah I don't think it quite works.

I thought the concept as a whole was funny though.

Keep at it and keep on believing in yourself


pimp-bangin t1_irizcj7 wrote

English is clearly not their first language so I didn't interpret their first sentence that way at all, I read it as "what is wrong with my edit? Why is it getting down votes?" Gotta give people the benefit of the doubt sometimes.