Submitted by Bozhark t3_xykc29 in photoshopbattles
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Ok-Landscape-4430 t1_irhrn4c wrote
Ok-Landscape-4430 t1_irhwbsc wrote
You know what is wrong with my edit why it's getting downvotes. Its my first edit if you can't upvote but don't be an asshole
Ok-Landscape-4430 t1_irhwfse wrote
Shit i was really looking forward to see people reaction and here I really am feeling those reactions
arond3 t1_irhwx3q wrote
Since nobody did i'll try :
- the idea is ok.
- the result is probably not on par with what people expext on this sub.
- to make the joke funnier you may have added the shadow of a human.
Edit : at first glance i didn't saw the band aid on the dog and the base ball bat.
EpicGains t1_irhypro wrote
C’mon tho, even the sentence is off. Like the font?
Huskatta t1_iri0op2 wrote
Well, I for one found it pretty funnny and lighthearted. Upvote from this boy.
Huskatta t1_iri0q70 wrote
I liked it so much I actually chuckled.
KNEELBEFOREZODD t1_iri0wv0 wrote
This is better than any of your haters could do..
ranchwriter t1_iri3s6d wrote
This is adorable. Like starting random fires or watching a kitten get eaten by wild boar.
aberrant_augury t1_iri4wc7 wrote
KaeptnKaese t1_iri53mb wrote
Maybe something broken, like put them in front of a different background and edit a broken window in the back.
Ok-Landscape-4430 t1_iri57c9 wrote
Im not native english speaker so can i assume this is sarcasm or a joke or some real pleasure
Ok-Landscape-4430 t1_iri591h wrote
Cute gangster
Ok-Landscape-4430 t1_iri5b2d wrote
Ok practice make a man perfect. This was my first try might make some more later
Ok-Landscape-4430 t1_iri5gm2 wrote
I thought font could be used as to show scaredness. Looks like it didn't work
onthefrontlinegaming t1_iri60fy wrote
[deleted] t1_iri6wl4 wrote
DrSmurfalicious t1_iri7s3p wrote
There's nothing wrong with it and it deserves upvotes. The font is a bit hard to read is all. It's a funny concept. Keep contributing to future posts.
What I do have a problem with is the comment I'm replying to. That first sentence is clearly a statement but it feels like it wants to be, or should be, a question.
LieseW t1_iri88lo wrote
I knew it was gonna be funny. Did not disappoint
Huskatta t1_iri9e2r wrote
Don’t take it personal
Mr-Gnorts t1_irib83e wrote
Seems to be a joke? I'm a native English speaker and even I'm confused lol
backpackface t1_iriglsa wrote
Ah yes, the fresh turkey face
SaScrewaround t1_irijllz wrote
I think that was why the other dog has a band-aid on its nose. My guess though
AWOLBones t1_iripi1k wrote
Ok about what about the dog in the lower right
VisibleFr0g t1_irir9yd wrote Dog but french
FlamingButterfly t1_iriuawy wrote
Getting defensive about it doesn't help you, ask others for advice and see if they can offer ways to improve.
Tetra55 t1_irix75z wrote
pimp-bangin t1_iriz1fs wrote
Yeah that font has more of like a Texas/cowboy vibe or maybe like a baseball feel to it (looks a little bit like the Red Sox font). I see what you were going for now that you mention it, but yeah I don't think it quite works.
I thought the concept as a whole was funny though.
Keep at it and keep on believing in yourself
pimp-bangin t1_irizcj7 wrote
English is clearly not their first language so I didn't interpret their first sentence that way at all, I read it as "what is wrong with my edit? Why is it getting down votes?" Gotta give people the benefit of the doubt sometimes.
Excellent_Badger_636 t1_irj2prw wrote
Ayyo, what da dog doin
Bozhark OP t1_irj2zk5 wrote
PIN360 t1_irj3df6 wrote
This dogs face reminds me of Solomon from lord of the rings. Do a Photoshop of him next please.
Affectionate_Room_38 t1_irj5u1n wrote
ALilBitOfPaprika t1_irja2ix wrote
This one is underrated
verguenzapato t1_irjbmlo wrote
Love this!
[deleted] t1_irjdmps wrote
Texas2Marseille t1_irjh6di wrote
Awesome, and why the eye?
Tiny_Fuel9525 t1_irjhod8 wrote
[deleted] t1_irjhq0z wrote
MrWeirdoFace t1_irjhyrp wrote
Now it just needs two paws :)
warmmolASSes07 t1_irji825 wrote
Oh, my God, this one is, by far, my favorite! Cooper will love this! Can you do another one for me?! I would love to turn these into stickers!
josephsmalls t1_irjjk6n wrote
This is gold
bobwonderland t1_irjnn4k wrote
DirtyDanTX t1_irjpa0k wrote
Omg this is so good!!!
[deleted] t1_irjqc7p wrote
[deleted] t1_irjsye2 wrote
Darving t1_irjthzf wrote
xeonicus t1_irjuesm wrote
Reg_Cliff t1_irjyqrt wrote
Thanks. It is interesting what you start with and what you end up with.
DirtyDanTX t1_irk3i79 wrote
I love the Andy Griffith show. Grew up watching and still do quite often.
1f33L51Ck t1_irk3xur wrote
[deleted] t1_irk6w3v wrote
[deleted] t1_irk9ts9 wrote
pipslipp t1_irkaoby wrote
I forget that dogs have whiskers
EmperorOfBearz t1_irkekzg wrote
This one isn't getting enough love, its terrific lol.
foxxytroxxy t1_irkgosu wrote
When the acid finally kicks in
Came here looking for this lol
pantherpants0 t1_irkhkca wrote
Now that is high brow. Bravo
IamHal9000 t1_irkhub3 wrote
This is the exact photo I was hoping someone made
bobbysalz t1_irkmgy9 wrote
Fuck, do you mean Saruman?
Error_404_Account t1_irkngbu wrote
The paw on the shoulder is a nice touch.
bakerboiz22 t1_irktrey wrote
Took me a while to spot the poopie lol
DJ_Taco03 t1_irktu36 wrote
This reminds me of that dog from UP
CodeBlue2001 t1_irktzmy wrote
Used to watch it at my grandpa’s a bunch.
Striker_ToastYT t1_irnh05t wrote
Zonks Scoob!
Striker_ToastYT t1_irnh4qx wrote
Every good boy’s worst nightmare
legend_o_o_ t1_irnusqs wrote
Bozhark OP t1_iro91ox wrote
Rude_Advantage6213 t1_irp5w0h wrote
That’s great
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