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BOBOUDA t1_isfdbn7 wrote


JuracichPark OP t1_isfdtch wrote

OMG I can't stop laughing!! I'm crying! This is amazing!! Her name is Stinker, she's my 9 yo black head Caique, and I'm totally getting a print of this!! Would you be willing to send me a full size copy??


BOBOUDA t1_isfembi wrote

Oh glad you like it haha ! It was actually pretty simple, I found an image with Adam already removed from the painting on the internet. I upscaled it with a website.

Here's the full resolution of my photoshop :

Not that much bigger but that's what I got.

I don't know much about what is required for a print but if you know you need a specific ratio or resolution I can look into editing it a specific way


JuracichPark OP t1_isg7ivn wrote

This is going to be my Christmas card this year, and if you would like, I would happily send you one! I shared it to my FB and have had multiple friends tell me I need to frame this!


BOBOUDA t1_isgita7 wrote

That's amazing ! Super glad you and your friends enjoy it.

That would be very cool, although I'm from France so if you're from the US I don't know how much it'd cost you, so only do it if it's cheap :)


JuracichPark OP t1_isgkzkv wrote

Oh that wouldn't cost much, really. I have a friend in England, I'm in the US, we mail each other regularly. It's not bad. And everyone on my FB is absolutely loving these photos. You guys are all so fun and talented.


BOBOUDA t1_isgo0mc wrote

That'd be great then, I'm hyped to see it printed !!

EDIT : also if you need any edit of the picture I can still modify it


TheCaliforniaOp t1_isiqw4s wrote

In the same manner, It’s A Bird’s Life

This link might be better:


JuracichPark OP t1_isjkmnu wrote

This is so spot on, except my bird is more of a klaxon than a brawk. The mess..... I have a shop vac that stays under her cage, and is used every day, to clean up that was deemed inedible/unacceptable from the previous day. As I also have 4 lovebirds and 8 parakeets(rescues) it gets used A LOT. But Stinker is definitely the worst.