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MRflibbertygibbets t1_isnw47z wrote

Whoever took that photo is about to discover how exsanguination by bird feels. Cassowary don’t give a fuck.


StatusSea5409 t1_isp5ihk wrote

My first thought was "I wonder who uploaded the picture." Those kicks don't look like a joke and that claw is a tough one.


keeperkairos t1_iso5lfh wrote

This is almost definitely a male. Female cassowary do not incubate their eggs, nor raise the chicks. This responsibility falls on the males.


flintza t1_iso69n2 wrote

Came to say the same 😂 Bird trivia pedants unite!


jobadiahh t1_isoq003 wrote

That’s not a woman, it’s a man, babe! One of dr evil’s henchmen.


flintza t1_isoyq3g wrote

Since people seem to be seeing this.. bird trivia pedants you should also be playing Wingspan (board or digital) if you aren’t already. Truuuuust me you’ll enjoy it 😁


MattyBro1 t1_iss8a4b wrote

Also, I'm pretty only males have the "bent" head thing. Do those things have a proper name??


keeperkairos t1_issglcb wrote

It's called a casque. It could be 'bent' in either sex, but since females are larger than males and have a larger casque, any deformity could seem more pronounced.


ironangel2k3 t1_iso939a wrote

Photos taken seconds before disaster


Condex t1_isodi5p wrote

Yeah, I took one look at the photo and thought, "That's not just any 'bird' that's a cassowary."

So ... like, did crime scene investigators recover the photo from a mutilated mess just barely identifiable as human?

EDIT: To be fair, maybe the photo was taken by a drone or someone who can run very fast.


Derpman2099 t1_isouoth wrote

>or someone who can run very fast.

not even usain bolt could outrun one, given that cassowaries have a top speed of around 30mph


kmc307 t1_isojlmu wrote

All we're missing is the ham.


ohohButternut t1_ispl7ng wrote

Could somebody please do Green Eggs and Ham? (I do not like them, Sam I am!)


cris34c t1_isr3ioc wrote

Please. Please someone do a green eggs and ham reference. I am on my KNEES.


Hope_is_lost_ t1_ispsvv0 wrote

Can someone pls do the eggs as edamame beans? maybe have the bird ab to eat them?