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[deleted] t1_ituf68t wrote



ApiContraption t1_ituf69k wrote

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Moerdac t1_itv1f31 wrote

I showed you my glasses please respond


blitzz_nvlls t1_itv7e6n wrote

I just saw this on my front page and there is already a ps battle, lol


optometris t1_itxs2nx wrote

Theyre called recumbent spectacles if anyone is interested. For people who are bedbound/fused necks to read book/look at lap etc


Vast-Cantaloupe-306 t1_itv9nq3 wrote

Can someone put his face on the front of a Mazda MX-5 please lol. The one with the frog eyes.


Grogosh t1_itwn49c wrote

I was hoping someone would do the The Thing head crab thing.


GoodBufo t1_itx5esa wrote

Its werid that it is no Jar Jar Binks in here