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ubermeisters t1_iuyje2k wrote

Fixed the picture. Thinking it may be an AI generated image even because of how terrible the skin effect looked in the original. This wasn't a small task on my end, can't believe i just spent that much time reversing how bad this looked. i used 3d character model textures desaturated as hard light layers.


DerVerdammte OP t1_iuyldae wrote

Wow, this is really impressive! Its like backwards blurring. Love it!


hotdiggydog t1_iv0bnpz wrote

I kinda wish you'd added some hair on his nipples too, it looks like really weird to me how it's suddenly hairless. I dunno what that says about me


ax_colleen t1_iv0a8eh wrote

This was my thought as well. I don't have proof it's AI though. I don't think so because of the hand.