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Geometronics t1_ivelig1 wrote

A little confusing, I just see 2 pigs.


dano415 t1_ivewoj1 wrote

That's not fair to the intelligent ones?


Strider794 t1_ivfpvvf wrote

Yeah, but they just get sliced up for bacon and porkchop anyway


Mikey2bz t1_ivgf2cr wrote

The cop chasing the other cop is from the internal affairs department


SL1Fun t1_ivfg6lw wrote

“They’re the same picture”


DungeonsandDevils t1_ivfeffv wrote

Look at that disgusting creature. Dirty, noisy, stupid, clumsy.

And it’s harassing that pig too


Grogosh t1_ivfjnyb wrote

Clearly wasn't in america, cops here would have shot it


BrendoCal t1_ivfjqis wrote

Reverse it and have the pig in a cop uniform chasing the cop; and the cop is maybe in a pig costume with one of those pig nose things.


waylandsmith t1_ivfrhfp wrote

As someone who has spent hours chasing pigs this is a rare moment where I feel some sympathy for the cops.