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TeamAlibi t1_iwxesaf wrote

It isn't. This made some rounds on reddit a few weeks ago and other angles of the same clouds were shown, it's not fake.

Couple references,

and then this tweet showing the other angle


CreADHDvly t1_ix0b9hk wrote

How tf was a "new cloud" "discovered" in 2017?!??

I do vividly remember the first time I saw clouds like the ones in your first link. Very weird looking


TeamAlibi t1_ix26yex wrote

To be clear if you read the article they mention that the clouds were being reported for years and it was only in 2017 that they categorized them and established an explanation for them.

It took 9 years for the classification to be accepted by the World Meteorological Organization


CreADHDvly t1_ix3tclr wrote

Well, yes, that's precisely what's got me shocked.