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Floppy-McFlopperson t1_iz2e25q wrote

You didn't have to do the poor elephant dirty like that. Jeez man.


ukchinouk t1_iz2jkim wrote

Nellie the elephant pack her trunk And said goodbye to the circus Off she went with a trumpety trump Trump trump trump


0x4e554c4c t1_iz419ob wrote

Nellie the elephant packed her trunk And trumbled off to the jungle Off she rode with a trumpety trump Trump trump trump


DuckTapeHandgrenade t1_iz2tdr9 wrote

Yeah, things kinda went too far. Now I just feel icky inside.


Floppy-McFlopperson t1_iz32xt2 wrote

I think it would have been hilarious if it were Trunk 2020 or something. With the happy eyes and the trunk up, with a whole crowd of people holding up Trunk 2020 signs. That would have been cute!