Submitted by dukefaceb t3_zdk2h4 in photoshopbattles
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-IsItMyCakeDayYet- t1_iz1xev6 wrote
mrgonaka t1_iz290q1 wrote
backofthestor t1_iz2asa9 wrote
habajaba69 t1_iz2b0jy wrote
Really expected a Rodney Dangerfield 'shop.
darsvedder t1_iz2d1gz wrote
Wow. I’m done. Just wow
Floppy-McFlopperson t1_iz2e25q wrote
You didn't have to do the poor elephant dirty like that. Jeez man.
[deleted] t1_iz2fbp0 wrote
[deleted] t1_iz2fmg0 wrote
Eleutherii t1_iz2gtr4 wrote
I wanna laugh cause this little guy does look objectively hilarious in the pic but also.... He seems kinda genuinely stressed out 😐☹️
UltraVires33 t1_iz2jdv1 wrote
Yeah, he gets no respect!
ukchinouk t1_iz2jkim wrote
Nellie the elephant pack her trunk And said goodbye to the circus Off she went with a trumpety trump Trump trump trump
_xXTrashPandaXx_ t1_iz2jnu1 wrote
LOL this is gold
Dog1234cat t1_iz2lqui wrote
It’s got a certain Cthulhu vibe.
mettlica t1_iz2p9x5 wrote
If you would have changed the podium from Trump to Dumbo I would have lost my damn shit
WetCoastLife t1_iz2q29n wrote
Bertmancole t1_iz2rfno wrote
Floppy-McFlopperson t1_iz2rsjo wrote
That would have been good tho
Seboya_ t1_iz2s32n wrote
Whose nose is that?
WetCoastLife t1_iz2tcu8 wrote
DuckTapeHandgrenade t1_iz2tdr9 wrote
Yeah, things kinda went too far. Now I just feel icky inside.
cesrep t1_iz2u19b wrote
This was already horrifying. Congrats on making it even more so
bayarea_fanboy t1_iz2ui2s wrote
Kill it
EdenReborn t1_iz2wkjn wrote
Same energy
[deleted] t1_iz2wpxy wrote
wisestmonkey t1_iz2wqqn wrote
I don't usually comment but this just made me laugh out loud. It's absolutely brilliant!
le_fart t1_iz2wyaw wrote
This is amazing.
-IsItMyCakeDayYet- t1_iz2xe41 wrote
Done. lol
Great idea
GlinnTantis t1_iz2xxy4 wrote
Can we combine this with the hit-monkey?
[deleted] t1_iz30v6q wrote
lxglck t1_iz30w42 wrote
Didn’t think the original could get any worse.
Floppy-McFlopperson t1_iz32xt2 wrote
I think it would have been hilarious if it were Trunk 2020 or something. With the happy eyes and the trunk up, with a whole crowd of people holding up Trunk 2020 signs. That would have been cute!
Gridlock38 t1_iz32zum wrote
Voldemort wants to know your location!
[deleted] t1_iz33d6n wrote
Adeno t1_iz358hu wrote
Elesloth! -
littlejob t1_iz36jxu wrote
Miesseek_n_destroy t1_iz375bw wrote
Oh this is good
Grothus t1_iz37gm0 wrote
Way under voted
[deleted] t1_iz37qmm wrote
[deleted] t1_iz37tqc wrote
[deleted] t1_iz37uf1 wrote
[deleted] t1_iz38q1g wrote
infector944 t1_iz3bj4y wrote
Anyone fancy a running yellow raincoat bubble elephant?
Kinda wanna see him with the cage mouth too
Elephants swim quite well in the wild. I think it's probably just fine. In the saddest scenario he's in the pool for physical therapy or because his real parents tragically died and now has to be taught the way of the aquelephant by humans.
Jackster10101 t1_iz3er78 wrote
Question how do you send links as a message without it literally being the url
kendallknits t1_iz3g3r4 wrote
Hey you guuuuuys!
Conundrumist t1_iz3ghi9 wrote
Thanks, this will haunt me for years to come.
dumbestsmartest t1_iz3gqq1 wrote
Both hilarious and terrifying at the same time. That's some talent.
[deleted] t1_iz3i5td wrote
hydrospanner t1_iz3jbdu wrote
Guys, Beyonce really hates it when this picture of her circulates online.
Affectionate_Room_38 t1_iz3kks5 wrote
[deleted] t1_iz3lh7h wrote
headgate19 t1_iz3lwft wrote
[deleted] t1_iz3n1jp wrote
-Cr0w- t1_iz3n7hf wrote
Love it! Hey you guys!!
Garuda4321 t1_iz3nasr wrote
Gah! Was NOT expecting that….. thing at 12:32 AM. Thank you for any nightmares I may now encounter…
[deleted] t1_iz3ncwt wrote
Jackster10101 t1_iz3nrdw wrote
So you past the url then right text after it
Rightinthepiehole t1_iz3nxb2 wrote
It's the eyes.
databasenoobie t1_iz3o0x9 wrote
I laughed so hard at this I peed a lil.
egonsepididymitis t1_iz3oe07 wrote
I was looking through the comments, hoping someone would give context of what is happening to him. Looks like a chain is around his neck and he’s in a swimming pool. I hope this isn’t some animal abuse in a 3rd world country & he’s being used in a circus or made to do tricks in a pool the water.
Knight_Lucky t1_iz3p08b wrote
Jeeeeesus CHRIST
Peppermintstix t1_iz3p883 wrote
This is just wrong 😂
IronGemini t1_iz3qzjl wrote
Someone please do one with “The Thing” from the John Carpenter movie
Dantizzle t1_iz3rlvr wrote
Why did I know it was his before I scrolled? 😂
8bitbebop4 t1_iz3srtl wrote
"Pedo Pete"
[deleted] t1_iz3t1k1 wrote
neatcrap t1_iz3w98b wrote
best one I’ve seen here in a long time!
wolfchaldo t1_iz3xx2z wrote
Reddit formatting for a hyperlink: [readable text](URL)
dukefaceb OP t1_iz3yhe4 wrote
Jesus Christ, you win
dukefaceb OP t1_iz3yjrw wrote
This is just awesome
Tricanum t1_iz3z8lr wrote
There it is, the Cthulul inspired nightmare fuel I was looking for. Well done!
[deleted] t1_iz3zwhl wrote
Potatonet t1_iz40io1 wrote
Your lord can not save you here baby elephant noises
0x4e554c4c t1_iz419ob wrote
Nellie the elephant packed her trunk And trumbled off to the jungle Off she rode with a trumpety trump Trump trump trump
SpecificHand t1_iz41ajo wrote
Holy fuck me and my wife are dying laughing at this post
FTWOBLIVION t1_iz41dn1 wrote
Ah thank you for this
shwn354 t1_iz41yrl wrote
Cage the Elephant
Eleutherii t1_iz428bo wrote
I know, that kind of seems to be what it is. 😓 I hope he's okay
iwillcuntyou t1_iz4436e wrote
So disappointed no one's seen how well that baby elephants hairline matches Elon musk's original one
[deleted] t1_iz44at9 wrote
intellectual_dimwit t1_iz44kth wrote
Ruth. Ruth. Baby......Ruth.
[deleted] t1_iz44mos wrote
[deleted] t1_iz46nz6 wrote
[deleted] t1_iz48eip wrote
[deleted] t1_iz48gne wrote
[deleted] t1_iz4at9w wrote
murph_diver t1_iz4d4mc wrote
Thanks I hate it
RhesusWithASpoon t1_iz4dcu6 wrote
Someone needs to shop Trunk on the signs in the audience
[deleted] t1_iz4e7cy wrote
Reagansmash1994 t1_iz4h0b7 wrote
Quick and dirty edit.
WallStreetWets t1_iz4ja7y wrote
Donald Trumk
AllTheSmallFish t1_iz4k9i3 wrote
Mate that is r/awfuleverything material right there
WetCoastLife t1_iz4kw8u wrote
[deleted] t1_iz4mg5l wrote
-IsItMyCakeDayYet- t1_iz4myou wrote
I wanted to, but didn’t have the time when I made it. And don’t really want to now. lol
ruralist t1_iz4ozez wrote
Hahaha wow
Atlas03 t1_iz4r36q wrote
Whoa. I’m impressed.
[deleted] t1_iz4rjfq wrote
Express-Ad-1864 t1_iz4rzbb wrote
Why is this 1000% worse
[deleted] t1_iz4vci5 wrote
sh_b t1_iz4wa95 wrote
Where's the good hunter when you need one?
[deleted] t1_iz4zprp wrote
WetCoastLife t1_iz4zwyc wrote
FireZord25 t1_iz51i8c wrote
"You're one ugly ******"
ScreamingNinja t1_iz51m7b wrote
God damnit this is phenomenal.
joethebro96 t1_iz521ur wrote
InboundsOrlovsky t1_iz56a9c wrote
You’re on cricket !
[deleted] t1_iz56sig wrote
Bodhidoesntknow t1_iz570sq wrote
I was smiling, until I opened the link and saw it🙂📲😐
plg94 t1_iz5a5m1 wrote
That looks like Gollum now
MXXIV666 t1_iz5cwfd wrote
This is exactly what I look like if I try to swim more than 100m
Nekropat13 t1_iz5dmqn wrote
My man putting in some work! …..throws some ears on that bad boy
Cynistera t1_iz5dqid wrote
This is horrifying.
[deleted] t1_iz5etgf wrote
Caylennea t1_iz5ikai wrote
Oh I hope someone does a Beyoncé one!
MyCleverNewName t1_iz5imoj wrote
I would have gone with Buscemi eyes personally
[deleted] t1_iz5l39y wrote
bobwonderland t1_iz5rl9y wrote
MCWizardYT t1_iz5scta wrote
On reddit mobile and i think the new desktop editor there is a button that looks like a chain, when you press it you can type a name and url and it will paste the brackets for you
Frosty-Ad-6946 t1_iz5yeaq wrote
You gave it away
TomDuBois2002 t1_iz608s5 wrote
Downloading this to send to friends with no context. Thanks!
MrBirdHorner t1_iz61qfp wrote
I need this as a WhatsApp sticker
Farcespam t1_iz6452r wrote
Prefect nightmare fuel the og photo was enough but this is biblical.
Brickhead88 t1_iz64br4 wrote
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
WetCoastLife t1_iz64snv wrote
I did before the mouth request but didn't post
phantomjm t1_iz66n1j wrote
darkaurora84 t1_iz6bbk8 wrote
He looks like he hit the bong a little too hard
darkaurora84 t1_iz6bf6e wrote
I'll never step into a body of water again. Thanks
stomach t1_iz6bg89 wrote
edit: the guitar was in the image i found, it's hard to find the original ^(conspiratorially if you ask me)
Caylennea t1_iz6c1gt wrote
Ha! Love it, thank you!
koreamax t1_iz6czc9 wrote
Holy woah, this is just incredible
Isellmetal t1_iz6f8il wrote
You’ve created a Baku
Caylennea t1_iz6g6nu wrote
Hahaha yes that’s much better.
Zuph0 t1_iz6n60l wrote
It’s Chronos
Jackster10101 t1_iz8agew wrote
Thanks mate I’ll try it when i get the chance
Cheap-Pound2141 t1_izcdfwc wrote
I know I’m kind of late but I’m pretty proud of this!
stomach t1_izcdtgt wrote
Caylennea t1_izch30v wrote
Holy hell! You should post this by itself somewhere. This deserves to be seen!
stomach t1_izck7m9 wrote
Caylennea t1_izclka6 wrote
Beyoncé and this baby elephant are clearly face soul mates.
AutoModerator t1_iz1vma8 wrote
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