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[deleted] t1_j1wk1fj wrote



ApiContraption t1_j1wk1gs wrote

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MetaMythical t1_j1x5zkc wrote

No wonder Russia wants to be in Ukraine 😏


WATCHGUY1983 t1_j20o99y wrote

Except, most Ukrainians are Russians? Ukraine became a country in 1991. The Ukrainian "language" is essentially Russian, with 70% commonality and the Ukrainian words viewed as "slang" and "dialect".

More than half the country identifies as Russian. I mean, i know CNN doesnt provide this on their background of the "War" in Ukraine, but facts are facts..


RagingDenny t1_j1xgy2m wrote

Someone photoshop this into a magic card


dragoono t1_j1xksae wrote

Someone did!


Yabba_Dabba_Doofus t1_j1xlet6 wrote

It was Yu-Gi-Oh, but I'm glad someone said it. My first thought was [[Serra Angel]]


Jonatc87 t1_j1zpjk1 wrote

no league of legends kayle skin reference?