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Cosmic-Warper t1_j1xkt2e wrote

I would say that's a broken ass effect, but knowing modern day yu-gi-oh it's probably average


troll_berserker t1_j1xo1z4 wrote

The effect is good but the condition to use it (having exhausted literally every one of your other resources) is way too strict. It's not really playable outside of casual settings.


kwcty6888 t1_j1y4uv8 wrote

The fact that a poster below revealed it's a real card makes this really funny to me


PlsSuckMyToes t1_j1xnsm2 wrote

All it really says is "gets Ash Blossom'd"


NickCudawn t1_j1yvbym wrote

I'm not really too familiar with how the game works, but I don't know how "destroy as many cards as possible" would work. Could someone explain?


bbq420 t1_j2110d2 wrote

Say your opponent has 5 cards on their side of the field, but one cards flavour text is ”cannot be removed or destroyed by other card effects”. You won’t be able to rid that one, but you’ve got the go-ahead to destroy other relevant cards, so long as it’s not negated.