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ApiContraption t1_j1wk1gs wrote

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MyPasswordIs222222 t1_j1y2wzg wrote

Hey! Wanna know how dumb I am? I forgot what sub I was in and I thought you were showing where her costume idea came from.

So then I start googling, 'Miss Ukraine cos-play' for more information on the game this came from....


cwg1983 t1_j1yxt4z wrote

Well, uhm… thanks. The pussy comment was looking at a girls legs from above with a cute sad kitten looking into the camera from her groin area.


WATCHGUY1983 t1_j20o99y wrote

Except, most Ukrainians are Russians? Ukraine became a country in 1991. The Ukrainian "language" is essentially Russian, with 70% commonality and the Ukrainian words viewed as "slang" and "dialect".

More than half the country identifies as Russian. I mean, i know CNN doesnt provide this on their background of the "War" in Ukraine, but facts are facts..


bbq420 t1_j2110d2 wrote

Say your opponent has 5 cards on their side of the field, but one cards flavour text is ”cannot be removed or destroyed by other card effects”. You won’t be able to rid that one, but you’ve got the go-ahead to destroy other relevant cards, so long as it’s not negated.


misosoup7 t1_j22qhzk wrote

But Russia/Putin isn't Communist... It's authoritarian for sure but Putin isn't even part of the communist party. Communist parties are usually left leaning, and the party that supports Putin and his policies are a right wing party...