Submitted by RiddleTower t3_zk9hyi in photoshopbattles
ApiContraption t1_izyjbbz wrote
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HiVisVestNinja t1_izyk5gg wrote
Prays the sun!
NatrelChocoMilk t1_izym59a wrote
Wake me when inevitable Ginyu Force
seedanrun t1_izym8vn wrote
Gotta put some effort into your mating display if you want to get a-head.
[deleted] t1_izymdt3 wrote
TheAnt317 t1_izypsb7 wrote
RiddleTower OP t1_izypyrr wrote
hahaha nice one
[deleted] t1_izyr194 wrote
Valogrid t1_izyrkjr wrote
I wanna see this salsa dancing mantis with a partner.
-doitforjohnny- t1_izywkix wrote
RiddleTower OP t1_izyx93d wrote
Wow this is epic. Well done <3
RiddleTower OP t1_izyxao0 wrote
Haha the eyes are epic
jerseybert t1_izyxplm wrote
I like Space Ghost and I cannot lie.
RiddleTower OP t1_izz19oz wrote
hahaha it looks like he killed the mantis and weat his face as a mask
backofthestor t1_izz5cg0 wrote
99FrenchFries t1_izz9546 wrote
snausagesinablanket t1_izzadz1 wrote
AutoModerator t1_izzae2j wrote
Thank you for taking the time to make a cut-out for this submission; these sorts of posts are an asset to the community. Please post your cut-out as a reply to /u/ApiContraption at the bottom of this page. Don't forget to use the new cut-out format!
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CnC_Citizen t1_izzbvwd wrote
Butch_dog t1_izzcvyq wrote
Winter is Coming
dystopika t1_izzduwj wrote
ragnarok62 t1_izze7uk wrote
Afterwards, she ate him.
SlickStretch t1_izzfei3 wrote
^(^^Yes, ^^I ^^know ^^it's ^^not ^^actually ^^an ^^ant.)
[deleted] t1_izzjb9y wrote
MonotoneCreeper t1_izzjcd7 wrote
Jr_AntiSex_League t1_izzjfrz wrote
Wolfnbunny88 t1_izzjhil wrote
You my, dear person, are a GENIUS!
gally3200 t1_izzlv89 wrote
ShadowChao1337 t1_izzms8v wrote
SupernerdSven t1_izznzn0 wrote
You are a bold one!
Krinks1 t1_izzouvs wrote
Not before he ate her...
MlleHoneyMitten t1_izzp1gi wrote
His arms made me giggle
bruhWhyTho- t1_izzp8o0 wrote
1st place in kahoot
Bigred2989- t1_izzpqz6 wrote
Woaaaah here she comes!
Plexaporta t1_izztqhx wrote
Maithius t1_izzyjnq wrote
Praise the Sun!
Malthus1 t1_izzyplm wrote
They stunned her, and stripped off her garments,
And lastly,
They stuffed her in a kind of pod;
And it was then that Millicent Frastley
Was sacrificed to THE INSECT GOD.
- Edward Gorey
AAA515 t1_izzyxjd wrote
Why you gotta do Carlito like that
[deleted] t1_izzzja1 wrote
Aggressive-Goat5672 t1_j000z20 wrote
If only I could be so grossly incandescent...
AngelosDragon t1_j001jtx wrote
Hello there
ArtinGamingTheEpic t1_j003fkw wrote
Yejus t1_j00438i wrote
🎵 For the mighty arms of Atlas... hold the heavens from the earth 🎵
GoochyGoochyGoo t1_j005f7a wrote
Nobody puts Baby in the coroner.
Puggymum64 t1_j0061af wrote
You truly frighten me. We should be friends.
[deleted] t1_j007lsq wrote
_Bean_Counter_ t1_j009mag wrote
I wanna see him in a tuxedo and conducting an orchestra. Please!
TheAnt317 t1_j00cqou wrote
That's not cool. 🍎
[deleted] t1_j00d6ih wrote
Desert_Rush39 t1_j00ffsq wrote
***I'M FABULOUS!!!***
TomDuBois2002 t1_j00g5js wrote
I like it, reminds me of FilmCow videos
Ta2whitey t1_j00n8cm wrote
This is my favorite
WanganTunedKeiCar t1_j00ngo2 wrote
Thanks, i hate it
Soulerrr t1_j00siws wrote
Yooo! Hey, mind if I steal this for Dungeon Mastering purposes?
lemondrag t1_j00tb3x wrote
Lol this is my favorite
wild_man_wizard t1_j00yl1f wrote
Where are second and third pl - oh.
Actual_Hyena3394 t1_j00z6xx wrote
Why is no one doing the Kamehameha??
Spam-Me t1_j010fxu wrote
Funny, this was! Upvote, I shall!
[deleted] t1_j010it3 wrote
RiddleTower OP t1_j011boc wrote
wow this is epic good job
RiddleTower OP t1_j011ca7 wrote
Thank you <3
RiddleTower OP t1_j011di8 wrote
hahaha nice one
RiddleTower OP t1_j011ej2 wrote
Wow how you made this ?
[deleted] t1_j011fcz wrote
[deleted] t1_j011fz6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j011gnz wrote
RiddleTower OP t1_j011hkg wrote
hahaha come at me bro
RiddleTower OP t1_j011ivt wrote
unreal good
[deleted] t1_j012qo5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j012sln wrote
[deleted] t1_j012sv4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j0153el wrote
[deleted] t1_j0158v7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j01761l wrote
[deleted] t1_j017826 wrote
[deleted] t1_j0187ci wrote
[deleted] t1_j018tbx wrote
[deleted] t1_j019ns0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j01dh3w wrote
[deleted] t1_j01dyjx wrote
[deleted] t1_j01fau7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j01hlxn wrote
[deleted] t1_j01lmij wrote
[deleted] t1_j01og6u wrote
[deleted] t1_j01q0ok wrote
[deleted] t1_j01tss5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j01u3rk wrote
[deleted] t1_j01vv5l wrote
cml-99 t1_j021ux2 wrote
[deleted] t1_j02ald8 wrote
[deleted] t1_j02gt5p wrote
[deleted] t1_j02jmn0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j02pqrg wrote
[deleted] t1_j02puet wrote
[deleted] t1_j02pzkn wrote
[deleted] t1_j02thwe wrote
[deleted] t1_j02zj4a wrote
[deleted] t1_j02zozs wrote
[deleted] t1_j03n621 wrote
ArtinGamingTheEpic t1_j03va33 wrote
Here you go: Kamehameha
[deleted] t1_j043tw2 wrote
[deleted] t1_j080vpx wrote
imchristopherhorne t1_j0f55gv wrote
[deleted] t1_j27kcte wrote
[deleted] t1_izyj6g5 wrote