Submitted by Vinccool96 t3_zl9pxs in photoshopbattles
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Singer-Such t1_j049zhp wrote
That's the moon silly, not just any orb
NormanCocksmell t1_j04eiw9 wrote
MyWifeDontKnowItsMe t1_j04hpav wrote
Pretty sure the cat is behind the orb and not in front of it.
UnderGrownGreenRoad t1_j04jsgk wrote
[deleted] t1_j04lqkv wrote
Until_Morning t1_j04ls31 wrote
Awesome job! 🤣
[deleted] t1_j04nf38 wrote
99FrenchFries t1_j04nx7z wrote
[deleted] t1_j04q19r wrote
fakeprofile21 t1_j04rtb0 wrote
I'd buy that print.
[deleted] t1_j04umn2 wrote
[deleted] t1_j04uvvo wrote
Vinccool96 OP t1_j04wdju wrote
Damn, that’s what I meant!
Mr-Cinnamon t1_j04wmoj wrote
saladroni t1_j04zmjn wrote
That’s no space station.
SharksForArms t1_j05329s wrote
Nah bro it's in front of the other side
[deleted] t1_j053gse wrote
[deleted] t1_j053xyn wrote
[deleted] t1_j0558tm wrote
Unique-Negotiation15 t1_j0569gx wrote
That one's pretty good!
shinigamiscall t1_j056enl wrote
Top ten anime betrayals
Vinccool96 OP t1_j057za8 wrote
Thanks for saving my dumb ass!
X_SkillCraft20_X t1_j05966g wrote
“I see no god up here… other than me!”
Gamershy t1_j05dvbr wrote
So this is where the moon went...
backofthestor t1_j05g0ya wrote
ClamClone t1_j05jucb wrote
It is a palantír to communicate with Sauron.
hungrylikethewolffe t1_j05mj7x wrote
Hella under rated damn
hungrylikethewolffe t1_j05muta wrote
You can join the pack and the clowder at the same time by wearing this t-shirt
Dolomight206 t1_j05o4ig wrote
Somebody award this person!
[deleted] t1_j05oda4 wrote
AAT-AnimalsAndThings t1_j05pbpn wrote
Maybe more important, that's a model of the moon, not an orb.
It works with a remote and can change colors, do so gradually, flash, etc.
It's neat. I have one.
Vinccool96 OP t1_j05pejk wrote
I like this one!
[deleted] t1_j05pixm wrote
thegreatbrah t1_j05sccy wrote
This is what I was hoping for. Its still such a bizarre photo.
17th_Angel t1_j05svxt wrote
Oo de lally!
Affectionate_Room_38 t1_j05t6jg wrote GodCat patiently plans his next move. There's far too much at stake here to act carelessly.
MouseRangers t1_j05u8td wrote
The guy in the window on the right is now a dog
onomatopoetix t1_j0602r6 wrote
May your roads lead to warm sands
Weird-Information-61 t1_j0618ek wrote
Mittens, ponderer of orbs
moustafazayyat t1_j0618ex wrote
Underrated one.
kajeslorian t1_j063osf wrote
The dog in the doorway is an excellent touch 🤌
kajeslorian t1_j063vt2 wrote
FORtunes, FOREcasts, lucky charms!
welp007 t1_j064dqc wrote
[deleted] t1_j066uvx wrote
Nas160 t1_j0676s2 wrote
Would've gotten a "bAd TiTLe" tag lol
[deleted] t1_j06awzk wrote
TheBirdIsTheWordSWE t1_j06ayq8 wrote
You win this and every other post just by this
thegoodtimelord t1_j06chtt wrote
This could explain some of the bullshit going on on this planet right now.
quiettryit t1_j06ckqz wrote
This is pretty accurate...
chris463646 t1_j06depy wrote
I shit my pants when I realized what it was.
TracerBullitt t1_j06ebob wrote
This was my very first thought, when I saw this pic.
wicked_lazy t1_j06fhlk wrote
No, if a cat was in charge it wouldn't be nearly as shitty
nugsy_mcb t1_j06gsf5 wrote
That’s some DeepMeowingValue
[deleted] t1_j06h5h1 wrote
i_am_mai_1981 t1_j06hy2t wrote
It's Schrodinger's orb.
[deleted] t1_j06k2o0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j06nc8p wrote
Lol_WhoCares t1_j06ocve wrote
That’s actually very clever! I love it
handlebartender t1_j06ot0g wrote
That's a wild font! What's it called?
S_notfunny t1_j06p2qd wrote
There's a site called whatthefont that can probably figure it out for you!
Putrid-Face3409 t1_j06t4k0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j06u95z wrote
[deleted] t1_j06ub9g wrote
[deleted] t1_j06yczf wrote
xadirius t1_j070km3 wrote
Nobody wants him,
He just stares at the World.
Planning his vengeance,
That he will soon unfurl.
[deleted] t1_j070ux1 wrote
[deleted] t1_j070uzv wrote
Floedekage t1_j071g0c wrote
Genius. Could easily be an album cover.
[deleted] t1_j074sg9 wrote
[deleted] t1_j075j0w wrote
concorde77 t1_j077n9w wrote
Kajiit has Moon if you have coin
[deleted] t1_j078e8o wrote
[deleted] t1_j07906x wrote
TOMMYPICKLESIAM t1_j07dzl8 wrote
I was really hoping for this but on the magic card “Ponder”! would’ve been wild!
TOMMYPICKLESIAM t1_j07e6re wrote
“You got some lamps”?
HippityWhomps t1_j07gf28 wrote
Khajiit has wares, if you have coins.
albck t1_j07h8ir wrote
[deleted] t1_j07k7nv wrote
thefallenlunchbox t1_j07lunj wrote
Agreed, cats are excellent at burying shit.
funkcatbrown t1_j07tsot wrote
What book is that you switched it to? Love it.
PigeonInAUFO t1_j08272y wrote
I have that exact lamp but with a different patterns
Photoshop_Lully t1_j08co2e wrote
All I could think about, sorry it was a quick job
Vinccool96 OP t1_j08cr50 wrote
Oh my god I love it!
minimanmike1 t1_j08hckj wrote
He's in closecommunication with the dark lord.
[deleted] t1_j08hfmp wrote
Welsh_Pirate t1_j08hnl2 wrote
I didn't think McGonagall was a fan of Divination.
Superpupperhero t1_j08lmxu wrote
NotMythiix t1_j08pt8s wrote
I saw that coming
SynisterJeff t1_j08qmus wrote
Now that's fine dining
dougisfunny t1_j08u3qp wrote
It's the art of war.
xDevman t1_j08wrc4 wrote
Now the time is here
For Iron Man to spread fear
Vengeance from the grave
Kills the people he once saved
thegoodtimelord t1_j08xdlb wrote
They literally push shit off the edge for fun!
VerseChorusWumbo t1_j091t36 wrote
Love this one!
[deleted] t1_j0a9vm5 wrote
Kooky-Weight5975 t1_j0adn0j wrote
Cheshirecat_1865 t1_j0b5bzd wrote
Cheshirecat_1865 t1_j0b5dkq wrote
Also, this is my first time posting here, so please tell me if I did something wrong!
Vinccool96 OP t1_j0bhi75 wrote
It’s perfect!
Sure-Nobody9492 t1_j0fmvkv wrote
Nice work!
CosmicRaven174 t1_j0h5haw wrote
Vinccool96 OP t1_j0hcjnd wrote
Wow! I really like it!
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