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DaminDrexil t1_j3cp2hd wrote

Congratulations winners! You guys put out some killer work this year.

And a special shout-out to all the top nominators: /u/241baka, /u/CptSasquatch, /u/xprmntng, /u/Maymayfish, and — of course — /u/artunitinc; who not only nominated 9 of the 20 winning photoshops, also just won 3 awards himself! Yet another year we're disappointed that we've already given all of you guys the mod shout-out award :D


Maymayfish t1_j3e7ugg wrote

Thanks man, seriously the biggest shout out though should be for yourself putting the awards together each year and nominating by far the most of anyone. This community is held together by you and the mod team. So thank you.

And thanks to all who nominated/voted for my efforts. I can't state how cool it is to be on this list. Cheers to a new year!


DaminDrexil t1_j3himme wrote

Thank you :)

>I can't state how cool it is to be on this list.

They say that the reputation of awards go both ways. While they can bestow legitimacy on awardees, they themselves derive their legitimacy from being associated with the best-of-the-best.

And there's no question that you give more legitimacy than you take in this community.

I think I can speak on behalf of everybody here when saying we're the ones that are honoured to have you, man :)


artunitinc t1_j3e4twn wrote

Is it the same in every country that politicians want to be "kingmaker" as they get older? lol

I thought about how I should keep myself during "the coronavirus pandemic". And I found these words:

"When you praise yourself, your "self-affirmation" goes up. Then you will be able to praise other people. And you will feel more confident and motivated."

Damin, I'm one of those who know your dedication to this community. Thank you for always supporting us! :)


DaminDrexil t1_j3iyx69 wrote

Thank you!

>When you praise yourself, your "self-affirmation" goes up. Then you will be able to praise other people.

Well you must be very self-confident, Arty, because you're known for being especially generous to the other creators :)

I've been thinking about the same thing recently. The more you love something (like photoshopping), the more you'll find yourself being enthusiastic about both your own work and others.


241baka t1_j3cueu2 wrote

Right back at you, as always!

This year I even feel a bit bad accepting that praise since I barely scraped a few nominations together from the weeklies in a single sitting - no list this year unfortunately as I wasn't all that active. Still wouldn't want to miss Award season.

Cheers 🥂 and thanks everyone for making this happen!


DaminDrexil t1_j3hh0fp wrote

>I barely scraped a few nominations together from the weeklies in a single sitting

It must've been a productive sitting, because you picked 3 of the winners!

I know you like to down-play the effort you put into things; but seriously, man; it's clear you put some real hours into finding photoshops again this year. You don't half-ass things.

I mean... holy shit!

>Still wouldn't want to miss Award season.

You certainly didn't! Another win, another well-deserved win :D


CptSasquatch t1_j3mmwk9 wrote

Thanks for another great best of DaminDrexil, that banner is amazing!