Submitted by Agent_2209 t3_106des2 in photoshopbattles
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TheUglyCasanova t1_j3gvx65 wrote
I laughed at just the normal picture. He knows the dog is a bit derpy and looks disappointed. Or like the dog piddled on his hand a bit.
gw812 t1_j3hlvhg wrote
Him: “The dog just farted on me…” Dog: “I just farted on him!”
SirAwesome789 t1_j3h21ss wrote
He's like, my dog is making that stupid face again and they're taking pictures of him, I know it
wasabi1787 t1_j3h3z5q wrote
The dog and the guy have the same expression
torchnpitchfork t1_j3hm4kb wrote
I would disagree. I think the dog looks like "i pooped hehe" and the president looks like "ah no, not again!" :]
nyafff t1_j3ho4m2 wrote
His name is Lennu and he's a very good boy
account_is_deleted t1_j3hqjsw wrote
Was. Lennu died about a year and a half ago, aged 10.
nyafff t1_j3hr9x7 wrote
Noooo Lennu 😭 Rest in peace lil happy guy
farsaver t1_j3ge0qk wrote
why does he look like sheldons side honcho from that tv show called sherlock
Grand_Albatross_2848 t1_j3gynd3 wrote
He actually looks very normal there, usually he looks a lot weirder. He was only elected because of his credentials, intelligence, trustworthyness and people were pleased with his last 6 year term as President.
nicolioli_x t1_j3h0ouz wrote
He looks like Bill Skarsgard's portrayal of the It clown to me lol!!
Edit: This is meant in a lighthearted way, I'm a big horror movie fan and the dog's eyes and smile reminded me of It
OneMtnAtATime t1_j3h3jom wrote
Even the dogs are happiest on earth in Finland.
_AlreadyTaken_ t1_j3he7hq wrote
He resembles Mr Bean
BoredRemote t1_j3h00tm wrote
Who is the Start President?
falsebrit t1_j3h7j21 wrote
morelike :
PsBattle: The Finnish President.
Byron_Lockheed t1_j3h8rwt wrote
Major Salacious B. Crumb vibes
OverlyMintyMints t1_j3h8ygh wrote
Is Finland straight out of a Dr. Seuss story??
Viqtor_ t1_j3hq3dh wrote
He smiles like his owners eyebrows
tankiolegend t1_j3iw4fy wrote
Could someone photoshop it to be palpatine? He gives me Ian Mcdiarmid vibes
Successful-Monitor65 t1_j3j8bs1 wrote
How is there no jojo reference. That dog is clearly iggy
zombimuncha t1_j3jf3p8 wrote
Need more Dune / Patrick Stewart / BattlePug.
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