Recent comments in /f/photoshopbattles
zOOm_saLad t1_jean3op wrote
Reply to comment by artunitinc in PsBattle: Hand Sculptures coming out of water, Venice. by GrantBloomer
Lmao I love the detailed information
zOOm_saLad t1_jeamw4x wrote
Reply to comment by SligPants in PsBattle: Hand Sculptures coming out of water, Venice. by GrantBloomer
My favorite 😂
MAN34667 t1_jeamvft wrote
Reply to PsBattle: Child's Eye Exam by RoyBratty
Terminator Eye Exam
artunitinc t1_jeam9iv wrote
Reply to comment by SligPants in PsBattle: Hand Sculptures coming out of water, Venice. by GrantBloomer
I honestly remembered that battle as well :)
aRandomFox-II t1_jealu9r wrote
Reply to comment by sniperhippo in PsBattle: Steam locomotive leaving tunnel by GrantBloomer
Ok. How are you?
aRandomFox-II t1_jealqlj wrote
Reply to comment by Geo-NS in PsBattle: Steam locomotive leaving tunnel by GrantBloomer
Get your head outta the clouds
SligPants t1_jealkvr wrote
Reply to comment by artunitinc in PsBattle: Hand Sculptures coming out of water, Venice. by GrantBloomer
Reminds me of this battle we did a few years ago :)
low_kix t1_jeak9w0 wrote
Reply to comment by AsItIsSoItIsNot in PsBattle: Steam locomotive leaving tunnel by GrantBloomer
I was expecting potato salad
[deleted] t1_jeaiygn wrote
[deleted] t1_jeai1l8 wrote
PM_ME_ORNN_YIFF t1_jeahv6y wrote
Reply to comment by AsItIsSoItIsNot in PsBattle: Steam locomotive leaving tunnel by GrantBloomer
Listen to your heart.
CeciWhutIMean t1_jeahgbj wrote
Reply to comment by ApiContraption in PsBattle: Hand Sculptures coming out of water, Venice. by GrantBloomer
Need a hand?
[deleted] t1_jeagpmm wrote
[deleted] t1_jeagoxd wrote
AL_O0 t1_jeaf48u wrote
Reply to comment by Withyourfeetintheair in PsBattle: Steam locomotive leaving tunnel by GrantBloomer
This is the best one
SligPants t1_jeadkgm wrote
th3rikdangerous t1_jeadgkj wrote
Reply to comment by Sgt_Peppers_L_H_C_B in PsBattle: Steam locomotive leaving tunnel by GrantBloomer
Can you fix it so the sign says bruh rather than brush?
farther-out t1_jeacwo5 wrote
Reply to comment by Withyourfeetintheair in PsBattle: Steam locomotive leaving tunnel by GrantBloomer
You did not
Affectionate_Room_38 t1_jeacln3 wrote needed some air
tidytibs t1_jeac7uo wrote
Reply to comment by __GayFish__ in PsBattle: Steam locomotive leaving tunnel by GrantBloomer
Scrolled too far to see someone do this!
[deleted] t1_jeabtma wrote
The_Tree_Beard t1_jeabqae wrote
[deleted] t1_jeabq3f wrote
Reply to comment by OverlyExcitedDoggo in PsBattle: Steam locomotive leaving tunnel by GrantBloomer
AsItIsSoItIsNot t1_jeanbl8 wrote
Reply to comment by low_kix in PsBattle: Steam locomotive leaving tunnel by GrantBloomer
John “Potato Salad” Cena